Rygar continued on, discovering early that his "partner" had decided not to follow him. [b]"Well, if that's his game, he can play by himself."[/b] A quick check on his WATCH and Rygar noted that he was detected two caches; and if he was right, he was heading in the direction of one already. He wasn't sure what'll happen if they both managed to get their own cache, but if Rygar could at least determine the exact location, rather than just the general area, that'll put him a step above the others. He continued on his path looking for the cache. It wasn't long before he found what seemed to be the nest of the Myrmidons, or at least a entrance. There was a lot of the bugs moving in and out going about their own business. There was bugs of various sizes, big ones being fairly rare. [b]"Not a lot of warriors out here eh? Must be guarding the nest, and that's where the cache is going to be."[/b] Entering from the entrance was suicidally stupid, however; even with his wall crawling abilities, it was a power shared by the Myrmidons, so sneaking past them like that was out of the question. If he planned to just cut a bloody swath through them he'd need an entire team, and he just lost his partner. However, no doubt that there was a much larger and more complexes series of tunnels inside, and all he needed was to find one crack to sneak in. If he even wanted to take this cache; information was power, and now that he knows were the cache and the local threat is, he can scout around for other locations and determine which one would be the easiest to get to. Diving head first into whatever came wasn't the smartest idea, though he shouldn't take too long. Once he had a plan of action, Rygar ran off towards the forest. Location: Border of A7 and B7