[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LLXk8vs.png[/img] [h3][color=firebrick]WARBOSS GRAFDAKKA DESTORYA[/color][/h3][/center] It was that time of the day again where Grafdakka goes to battle. Or rather, Endian-01. Having reevaluate her tactics from the last battle, she had decided that as impressive as a nuclear reactor within Grafdakka’s main body would be, it would not be as effective as simply allowing Endian-01 to pilot the mech as a whole. This way should the mech somehow become unable to continue battling, Endian could eject and fight until victory or defeat is achieved. Still, since this is a relatively new development, and because Krieg is still trying to develope the new personality for Endian-01, so long as Endian was piloting Grafdakka she would remain as Grafdakka. Coincidentally, Grafdakka was at KC-00032 precisely for his new modifications, as well as trying to get his hands on the new devices being developed here. He’s heard in passing that the resources from the previous battles were being used to create some sort of powerful new mech, which interested Grafdakka greatly. But before he could investigate himself, the fortress was under attack. Demons have infiltrated the machina ranks and the angels were laying siege to the fortress. Grafdakka had the slight misfortune that he was not at a launch bay; he had taken an underground railway tunnel to get his modifications done. He was nowhere near a launch area. Fortunately for him, he wouldn’t need one. Within Grafdakka, Endian sat inside the cockpit and looked at the monitors around her. Unlike before, the mech was now equipped with a variety of gadgets and equipment that gave Endian important information such as her current location, a map, and communication with her allies. Before as Grafdakka he could only make rough estimates and shout over the communications for directions. And thanks to being in Machina territory, Endian could see a vast amount of intel that she normally wouldn’t be able to see before. And perhaps it was because Endian was originally a strategist, but she valued this new and vital information. It would make her next actions much easier. Grafdakka entered the rail tunnels he came in from. He wasn’t able to get far as thick steel walls blocked his path, no doubt done to ensure that no one could enter or leave. But Grafdakka wasn’t going to go through the tunnel; he was going to make his own tunnel up. Activating his chainsaws and putting them into drill configuration, he bore a hole through the tunnel, activating his jetpack so that he could move up and out. He made sure to collapse the tunnel behind him so that the enemy couldn’t simply use his hole to get inside the fortress, at least not unless they had a giant drill like he did. Using the data from the fortress and looking at the map, the angel’s on the ground would feel a rumbling tremor beneath their feet. Barely a second later, Grafdakka would emerge from the ground, his saws roaring with fire and death to tear apart any angel too slow to avoid his ascension. There was no time to see who he fought with or against; Grafdakka simply knew that he was deep into angel forces, and that the easiest way to deal with them was taking out their key leaders. Grafdakka saw Torag and figured that he would be the first person Grafdakka needed to kill. Inside, Endian was getting nearly overloaded with information around her. Who was attacking, where people were, the status of the fortress, and much more. It was almost too much, but somehow the newly possessed machine was able to organize and keep track of it all while also piloting Grafdakka. To any outside observer, all they’d notice is that Grafdakka has arrived and is charging straight at Torag, chainsaws configured into a drill and flying directly towards the skeletal paladin. Thanks to Queen Eos's power, Grafdakka's drill was instantly powered, ripping through space, time, and the fabric of reality to ensure a simple causality: to tear apart anything that touched the drill. [@Mega Birb][@KoL][@Banana][@Lonewolf685][@Lmpkio][@Flamelord] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4B27bPA.png[/img] [h3][color=goldenrod]Francisca Labrys Seax Luxuria[/color][/h3][/center] As fun as it is to rape prisoners and laze about in hell, Fran needed to go out some more. It’s been to long since she’s gotten into a real fight and she feared that she was getting rusty. All the debauchery had really dulled her combat prowess. Good thing she heard about the attack on some Machina fortress; she wasn’t aware that the demons had sent an infiltration crew inside to possess Machina, but she heard about it soon enough that she could join the reinforcements. So a bunch of demons were lead to a place called KC-00032, where once their guys on the inside open things up, the demons would swarm the place and kill everyone inside. [color=goldenrod]”Sounds like a good time!”[/color] Fran arrived on the back of a massive black dragon. She along with other demons would be airdropped into the fortress, assuming they didn’t get shot down. Which they did; the dragon barely got within a hundred meters before lasers and rockets killed the dragon midflight. Many demons jumped off right then and there and either died or foot-slogged the rest of the way there. However Fran was wise enough to know that even though the dragon was dead, it was able to maintain a rough glide towards the fortress. While it’s dead body wouldn’t land in the factory, it would at least save Fran the trip there when it crashed into the ground and rammped into the walls. Though a bit dizzy Fran was no worse for wear. She and a couple of other miscreants had managed to reach the wall, and now they just needed to find a way inside. It would only be a matter of time before the machina defenders purge this area of all life, so Fran used her illusions to hide herself as she looked for a way inside. While she was looking around, apparently the High Queen herself was in attendance. That made Fran really excited. [color=goldenrod]”I wonder if I can get an autograph?”[/color] She pondered as she tossed a chain over the wall and pulled herself up.