Name: Bridget O’Dunn Age: 24 (born in 1993) Gender: Female Seeming: Wizened Court: Appearance: [hider= Appearance] Mask: She has pale skin and freckles, and her hair is a light, strawberry red that falls just past her shoulders. Her eyes are a clear grey. She is a very thin, with a bony and frail frame that makes her look a bit sickly. Her nails are short, usually bitten down. She mainly dresses in jeans and oversized t-shirts, with bracelets lining her wrists. Her favorite pair of shoes - an old pair of dirtied white converse - is the partner to every clothing ensemble. Mien: Her natural form carries many similarities to her human one. She is thin and bony with strawberry red hair, and large grey eyes. In this form she carries much pointier features - a sharp nose and chin, and defined cheek bones. Her eyes point downwards in a severe manner. In this form, her skin is a deep green. Vine like patterns of a lighter green weave their way up her skin like tattoos. Her lips are a pale green and heart shaped. [/hider] History: [hider=History] She was ten years old when she was brought to the Faerie realm, making her time in captivity nearly 13 years. She arrived back in the human world after making her escape a year prior to the present day. Her life prior to her kidnapping was that of a normal 10 year old - simple minded, and happy. She had a mother and father and a 5 year old brother. Her 10 year old self was highly gifted at the piano, and won a competition where she caught the eye of a faerie. He took on the form of her teacher and lured her into the hedge. Her days in the faerie realm were spent in a large and extravagant estate owned by a prominent and malicious group of fae. Many different faeries visited the house, and it was always filled with excitement and entertainment - though not for her. She was an object to them, an extension of the piano. On some days, they charmed her into mindlessness, letting days slip by without her noticing. On other days, they made her sit aware in her shell of a body, watching as she played until her fingers bled on the piano, thinking, but not being able to move or speak. On a rare occasion she was allowed to leave the piano. She cherished these days, but they also terrified her. The whims of the faeries sometimes led her to food and wine and the ability to speak, and other times they led her to new tortures. On her free days, she often cherished the company of a cook in the estate - Lirael - a lesser fae who feared her superiors too much to play with their favorite human. Though Bridget knew in her heart that Lirael probably would have tortured her like the others, given the opportunity, she cherished those as small fond memories, a light in the dark. Her master Oren was a terrifying and severe creature. His moods switched from charming to violent in a second. Sometimes he would allow her to converse with him. Although she feared him more than any of the other fae there, she couldn't hold back the excitement of being allowed to engage in conversation. Days of watching herself play piano and trying to listen to surrounding conversation made life torturously slow. She had to be careful what she said to him. One day she asked him if he could set her free and he smashed her hands in the piano and she had to play with broken fingers for days until his mood improved. Some days he would just sit and watch her play without words. He often said that she was a pretty human pair with the piano, meant to be, but without it, she was ugly and dull. Her escape was made possible by a giant celebration at the estate. After drinking and celebrating for some time, her master decided to let her roam free from the piano. The mood was jubilant and relaxed at first, but soon, a spat caused a violent fight to break out among the fae. Absorbed with their fighting, intoxicated, and unconcerned with her, Bridget managed to slip outside. Once outside, she ran for her life, and she found her way to the hedge. For two days, she stumbled through, trying to stay awake while her limbs screamed from running and from the biting thorns, too scared to stop. Miraculously, she found a gate and made it into the human world. Her return to the human world was jarring and uncomfortable. She searched for her old home only to find that her family had moved. She slept on the streets with the homeless for months, but eventually she was able to find a job at a coffee shop, and now, she rents out a room in a tiny apartment. She shares the apartment with a mish mash of friendly acquaintances - a 40 year woman with a motherly feel, an 18 year old boy who rarely leaves his room, and a 27 year old woman who is an artist. [/hider] Personality: [hider=Personality] Despite the fact that she was starved for conversation in the faerie world, Bridget is quiet. She is suspicious and tense after her captivity and heavily guards her words. However nervous her personality may be, she is still kind, gentle and soft spoken. She is very inquisitive. Still getting accustomed to the human world after many years away, she is clumsy and confused. She is often scared to do things that she is unfamiliar with. She walks everywhere because she doesn’t know how to use the subway. Since she is scared of being recaptured, she has become very superstitious, nervous that human superstitions were all made up because of the faeries. The sight or sound of a piano is enough to make her physically ill. [/hider] Skills: [hider=Skills] She is gifted at piano but wont even go near one because of her trauma. She is a barista so she is good at making delicious drinks. Aside from that, she has taken up crocheting, and knitting, and she is always making scarves and hats [/hider] Supernatural Powers: [hider=Supernatural Powers] In tune with skill as a pianist, she has musical ears. She can sometimes hear songs coming from objects, animals, and humans that give her a “musical aura”. Everything in the living world has a song she can hear. The song can sometimes tell her things about them, though it’s not always consistent. It can give her a sense of it’s feelings, history, or purpose. (note, no intent to god mod, I will be careful about reading too much into people!) Since coming back to the human world she has started to notice something else forming - a strange sensation in her fingers when she feels fearful or threatened - the feeling of tingling sparks, and a change in the musical aura around her. It feels dark - a twisting and dissonant melody. [/hider] Weaknesses: [hider=Weaknesses] Her suspiciousness and paranoia has kept her from having close relationships, so she lives a very solitary life. She smokes and drinks excessively. Her aversion to the piano can sometimes lead to panic attacks, vomiting, and other physical reactions in public if she sees or hears one. Her supernatural abilities can make it hard to hold conversations, as occasionally the musical aura of a surrounding object can be so powerful that it overpowers the voices around her and even her thoughts. [/hider] Possessions: [hider=Possesions] She doesn’t own much since her return to the human world. - A small selection of baggy t-shirts and jeans she got a thrift stores, and a solitary pair of white converse which have turned much less white over time. - a beat up, trackphone with limited calls and texts and no data - a collection of knitting and crochet needles and yarn she got from unraveling sweaters she bought at goodwill. - one pot, pan, coffee mug, plate, glass, and set of silverware - a cross necklace (though she’s not religious, just will wear or do anything she hopes might possibly ward off faeries) - a journal - A pebble she picked up from the faerie realm - she keeps it to remind herself she was really there. It’s musical aura brings an unpleasant sound to her ears. [/hider] Other: I’ll come back later if I think of some…. Burnt out at this point lol.