[center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Mephilus%20Armor_zps1lza9aqc.png[/img] [h2][b][color=9e0b0f]Mephilus Baal Asmodeus[/color][/b][/h2] [@Ryonara] [/center] One by one, the incoming Machina troops fall to their knees, broken and disfigured as Mephilus continues digging his way into the base. It has become a literal slaughter house, with screams of agony and the sickening splatters of blood echoing throughout the halls and corridors. The Hell Knight enjoyed the sound of his victims giving out their last breath, soothing him in a sickened way as he continues on. Yet just as he was getting used to the sound of his own killing spree, the intercoms began to blare its own song, a song which Mephilus dislikes immensely. With a scowl of annoyance, he continues to channel his rage into defeating the soldiers in their way, though he notices that they have become significantly more powerful than before. [color=9e0b0f][i][b]"So this song grants them a buff in their abilities..."[/b][/i][/color] he thought to himself as he spears a machina soldier with his lance, [color=9e0b0f][i][b]"Hmmm... clever Eos."[/b][/i][/color] He fires off an explosive round from his lance as it disables several other soldiers down to the ground. But before the Hell Knight can finish the group off, his lance would hit a barrier that rippled across the entire entrance to the next room. With a hiss, Mephilus turns around to see a more skilled-looking foe come into play. He recognizes her to be Shizuka, the blue haired twin of the pink-haired Hibiki, and she is holding a rather big gun. Once it begins firing, the demon doesn't attempt to dodge the attack, but rather stand his ground as he uses his shield to block the bullets. Perhaps shockingly to the blue-haired girl however, those blessed "Holy" bullets would literally do nothing but extinguish as they hit the hellish shield, its aura negating their effects entirely. Some that missed him initially began to bounce wildly around the room and hit his armor a few times, yet it was able to hold them off while he only experienced almost no pain. [color=9e0b0f][b]"Tsk tsk tsk... Your HOLY bullets are no match for my Shield of Misery."[/b][/color] Mephilus smirks as he shakes his head slowly. Quickly, he lifts his lance as it makes a triple shot towards Shizuka's location, one to the left, one to the right, and one straight at her to make her cease fire. Then, using his jet boosters on the back of his armor, he charges towards the twin as he attempts to knock her back through multiple walls with his mighty shield. If his charge wasn't stopped in time, perhaps they would find themselves outside the base and back outside in a hangar area, where they would both feel the might of the forming storm... [hr] [center][img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Unit-X_zps6hg8fs8y.png[/img] [h2][b][color=silver]Unit-T[/color][/b][/h2] [@floodtalon][@Kol][@Lucius Cypher] [/center] As soon as Unit-T was in the air, Tina's mech began to bleep loudly as it warned of an incoming missile locking onto her. [color=silver][b]"<:ALERT_ALERT_HOSTILE_MISSILE_LOCKING_ON:>"[/b][/color] groaned the deep voice of the onboard voice protocol. Tina was simply silent as she turned the mech sideways, with the back towards the missile. Suddenly a laser blasts out from in between the spines as it locks on and vaporizes the incoming projectile upon almost immediate impact. Yet they weren't out of the conflict yet, as Aquila began to initiate hurricane-force winds. The wind became so intense, that bits and pieces of KC-00032's less-resistant structure began to fly off. Suddenly, the mech began to blare again, warning of a massive bombardment of debris coming straight towards them. With the winds already beginning to jeopardizing their movement, it seems as if they're going to have to take the full force of the projectiles coming at them... But then good fortunate smiled upon them, as they can hear a hype-sounding song coming from below. The song began to give Unit-T strength and stability as it levitates in thin air, growling with its mechanical maw. Then it opens its mouth and unleashes a wide beam of green plasma as it incinerates the debris that are in its point of view. The intense power would have it be blasted across the battlefield and off into the mountains nearby. With that done, the mech zooms swiftly down towards land, unleashing a cloud of dust as it lands. Tina can then see the Warboss roar across the sky as it charges towards its next victim, its very weapon warping the fabric of reality. Impressive to say the least.