[h1][center].:Penny:.[/center][/h1] Penny felt fantastic, and wasn’t sure how to feel about that for the most part. The dolls were easily decimated, and the crunching sound they made when she hit them hard enough was more satisfying than it had any right to be. She knew why, Laat had explained as best he could about what had changed with her transformation, but hearing about it and experiencing it were two very different things. It was due to this uncertainty that Penny was rather oblivious to the fact that new people had arrived on the scene. She had been moving on auto pilot for a most of the fight, focusing on the inhuman dolls, while she got accustomed to the feeling of being in a true fight. All of the dolls being dragged away by an unseen force did bring her to the present however. She gave a low whistle at the light show, jealous that she wasn’t capable of the same type of offence. She was quick to react to the counter attack. Wrenching a nearby stop sign from the ground she placed herself directly in the path of the launched debris and used the sign as an improvised bat to knock most of the scrap to the side and what she wasn’t able to knock away was negated by Alex’s force field. [color=9e0039][b][u]”Seems a bit rude to be throwing trash at people don’t you think?”[/u][/b][/color] Penny asked with a crooked grin as she placed her weapon on her shoulder, taking in the new comers a bit better as she did. There was a Naga Monster boy and a Magical girl front and center that had most of her allies attention, though she wasn’t sure why. She also caught sight of Lily fighting someone but didn’t have a good angle to see who or what they might be. With a mental shrug she decide to take a wait and see approach to this fight.