"It's fine, Jenso. That wasn't easy for any of us. I'm glad you're all here, though. We can begin immediately," Mikey said, turning to Ross. Ross nodded and Jenso and gave him a thumbs up, before following Mikey into the ring. "Today is all about theory, the way Ki works, and how we manipulate it," Mikey started, conjuring one of his geyser gauntlets, "I may not be as strong as any of you, but I know for a fact that my Ki manipulation put the three of you back into kindergarten!" The water around his hands condensed until it appeared as if his skin was glowing a sapphire-blue, with the surface rippling constantly. "We'll be talking mostly about how controlling Ki works, and how Arki is.. Well, a thing. Bruce, you may be a little left out in the Arki portions of the training, but if you feel up to it, don't sit out. It's definitely a good skill to master... That being said, Arki is vastly inferior to outright Ki manifestation." Mikey rose his hand and extended the gauntlet past the tips of his finger. The water seemed more translucent as it got further away from his body. "Ki grows weaker as it leaves our bodies. That's a fact that nobody has been able to get around. Whether it's in our auras, leaking into the atmosphere, or in an energy blast, it can't last for very long without being connected to its source, that being our soul. Think of it as soul energy. That's why most people use it to augment their physical abilities. It's extraordinarily uncommon for somebody to have the capability which allows them to release Ki from their body the way you two do," Mikey explained, pointing to Bruce and Jenso. "Yellow Ki and white have the easiest time existing in the atmosphere, though. Grey Ki does not, which is why you, Jeff, cannot manifest it outside your body normally. Ki, at its core, is pure power. Where the arcane makes up all matter and energy in the world, Ki makes up all life! Without Ki, you can't be alive. Same goes for animals, and probably the Order, as well. Of course, arcane energy works the same way, in a sense. It helps power our digestive system, our brains, organs, it produces oxygen, keeps atoms from splitting apart, you name it. In theory, humans can't exit without both and arcane system, and Ki." "Applying Ki to combat is the action of using it to enhance physical abilities, or launch it from your body. Ki tends to be very... Temperamental when it's separate from the host. It destroys indiscriminately. The only time it can be controlled once it's left the body, is if it has been enhanced with Arki. But as I've mentioned, Pure Ki outclasses Arki in raw destructive power by miles. When expelled from the body, it can also place a great strain on the soul if overused. Sometimes this can actually cause it to grow, like a muscles. Other times, it can weaken you, cause sickness, or outright end your life. The soul produces Ki indefinitely, but if our souls are stretched too far, they tear apart just like any muscle would. Easy stuff, right?" Mikey paused and turned to Ross. "On average, a human's Ki doesn't affect their strength unless they can tap into it. If it's somehow abnormal however, it innately affects their abilities, albeit at a reduced severity. Ross has told me how Gaians are naturally gifted, sporting souls that are at least three times more powerful that a human's on average. Their arcane network also differs vastly from ours. I found it fascinating when looking into Ross's anatomy. But that's besides the point." "As I said, Ki loses power once it leaves our bodies. So then how to people launch Ki projectiles, create Ki weapons, and the like? Simple! Well, not simple at all, really," Mikey admitted, brightening his geyser Gauntlet. "This gauntlet of mine may be an Arki proxy, but let's just pretend it's pure Ki, ok?" Mikey began extending it further, until it was more like a spear than a gauntlet. "See how the water is more see-through the farther it gets from my body? I'm doing that on purpose, but it's a visual aid- ah. Basically, to do something like this, create a weapon, I would cycle Ki and and out of my body constantly. In doing so, it maintains the weapon without loss of strength. But if my Ki isn't plentiful enough, or strong enough, my weapon would be weaker, the larger it gets. Shooting Ki is the same principal. The action of doing so is not something I need to explain, obviously, but the idea is pretty simple. It goes out!" Mikey then launched a ball of water from the tip of his gauntlet towards the edge of the stadium. "Like so, but more glow-y and with less uh.. Less gravitational pull," he added as the water bubble fell to the ground. "How do we make projectiles stronger? And how do we make Ki-weapons more durable? Well, in theory, if your Ki allows it, as mine clearly [i]does not,[/i] it's an act of finesse..." Mikey reduced his geyser gauntlet until it was meshed with his skin again. "Lesson 1, Ki does not listen to you if you yell at it! Ki is driven by our emotions, that is true, but it's just like Nexus told you, Jenso. Emotions have a wide array of effects on it, and we can't really control our emotions that easily. Even if we could, the desired effect, stronger and faster projectiles, isn't assured. So, what if we changed the composition of our projectiles?" Mikey's geyser gauntlet then began to expand, and then shrank again, looking almost the same. The ripples from before however, changed to parallel, zig-zags that ran up his arm. "All I've done is taken the same amount of energy, and changed the way I channel it. Now, this gauntlet that once had the capacity to resist one of Bruce's most powerful sword strikes, can pierce right through Jeff's most powerful barrier mechanisms like tissue paper. Same amount of energy, different composition." The pattern disappeared, and the knuckles of Mikey's fist grew less than a milometer thicker. "Here, I've just changed the flow of my Arki to circulate rapidly around my knuckles, nearly 400 times as fast, actually. Yet, the difference is barely noticeable, yea? Somebody without special eyes wouldn't even be able to notice it, since there was absolutely no change in how much power I'm using." Mikey rose his fist forward and smiled. "And yet, although my punch has lost it's piercing properties, I can now out-do Jenso's base-form brute strength easily. Instead of flooding tons of Ki into my fist, I've merely changed the way I use it, and in a manner of seconds, I've outclassed every single one of you in brute strength. Fun, right?" Ross looked at Mikey and his eyes twitched. This little guy was suddenly stronger than Jenso. "Ross, can you create a Ki-barrier?" Mikey asked. Ross nodded quietly and summoned his earth-render great sword, holding it firmly in front of him. The blade glowed with energies as he held it. "With any other one of my techniques, there's no way I could get through one of Ross's defensive abilities. Not even Jenso's flame dragon punch can get through Ross's guard if he's focused enough. But-" Mikey turned to Ross and threw his fist forward with quite a bit of effort. Upon contact, Ross's blade shuddered, and his feet ground backwards. He lowered his blade and chuckled. "Didn't break my guard!" Ross chuckled, despite being moved at least 20 feet, "But I think my wrist's uh.. Shattered?" Ross de-summoned his sword and clasped his wrist. "Eheh... Give that a few hours." "Sorry about that!" Mikey said, removing his gauntlet. "Right, so uh... That's the importance of Ki control in a nutshell. It takes a tremendous amount of concentration though. I wasn't able to reach this level of power until just recently, myself. I developed it for a rematch against Jenso, actually," Mikey admitted. "When it comes to specifics though, I can certainly lend a hand! Let's see.. Uh... Bruce!" Mikey snapped his fingers and waved Bruce over. "Can you summon your blade, just like when I was analysing you? Don't try to change it, just bring it on out.."