[hider=The Sorcerer in Glasses][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/UwVtUqf.png[/img] [h2][color=gold]“It is truly a pleasure to meet you all.”[/color][/h2][/CENTER] [color=gold][center][sub][b]REGIL KLAUSER ASTRA - 30 - ZAHREN - SORCERER - CHAOTIC NEUTRAL[/b][/sub][/center][/color] [color=Gold][b]V I S A G E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Tall, lean, and pale-skinned with keen intelligent golden eyes, it is immediately obvious that he is possed of a scholarly disposition. However, at odds with this, his body is hardened, fit, and muscular. Few scars adorn his body, but he carries himself with the grace of one who is familiar with battle. His face is clean shaven and he looks to be in his mid-twenties. His hair is a unusual color of dark grey. He tends to dress rather flamboyantly and richly, with quality cloth, gold embroidery and even small gemstones. His most iconic piece of clothing is a large mantle, trimmed in gold, solid black on the outside and rich purple on the inside. He wears it over a dark orange tunic which is worn open at the front to reveal a beige shirt with black designs. He also wears grey trousers tucked into a pair of black laced up riding boots. On his hands are a pair of long, shiny black gloves that reach up to his elbow. Oh his hip, rides a beautiful curved sabre in a jeweled black sheath. All of his clothing is fastidiously kept tidy and clean. Completing his ensemble are a pair of scholarly glasses on his face that can be magicaly affixed so as to not be knocked off. [/INDENT] [color=Gold][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] Regil is a mysterious, charismatic man with a cunning mind and a sly, scarcastic, dry wit. He acts affably friendly to people, but he hides a cold, calculating, manipulative, and selfish personality behind that amiable mask. Although, he is reliable, often helpful, and not wholly without empathy. He does have a strong sense of honor, in his own way. He never forgets a debt, but he also always honors his. He is also an incurable flirt, quick with a compliment and flattery for the fairer sex. Whether that is an act or a quirk of his is up for debate. He enjoys taking in circles, rarely giving a straight answer to anything. While he is not too obvious about it, his magic, and the study of it means everything to him. [/INDENT] [color=Gold][b]L I F E E X P E R I E N C E S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] -born to a family of powerful mages -refugee of Zahren, was ten -orphaned -showed great skill with magic, was taken in by magi guild -was present at the battle aboard Eileithyia, was 17 -he escaped -decided to join the inquisitiors to further his magical knowledge -he was branded a traitor and a criminal after a certain event...not to mention he was persuing forbidden research -built himself quite a reputation as "The Sorcerer in Glasses", although many have heard of the name, few know the face that it belongs to. -He desires to bring down the Imperium, for reasons that are his own [/INDENT] [color=Gold][b]E L E M E N T A L A F F I N I T Y[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Sanctus[/INDENT] [color=Gold][b]A T T R I B U T E S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] [b]Scholaris Magum[/b] He started learning magic from a very young age and he has received formal training, plus many years of experience makes him a very strong and skilled mage. He has some small ability with elements and magic beyong his affinity, such as; fire, water, earth, air, force, eletricity, gravity, and enchanting. [b]Lux et Sanctus Magus[/b] Dispite popular belief, there is a difference between the two disciplines of magic. Araris is proficient with both, though he favors Light over Holy. Using light magic, he can weave convincing illusions, also making him an illusionist. He has been developing a new technique that creates solid objects out of nothing but light. However its far from perfect. [b]Magus Gladius[/b] While not as accomplished as other may be with the blade, he is by no means unskilled. He backs his swordsmanship with with his magic, wielding both in tandem with remarkable ease. [b][url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManipulativeBastard]Manipulative Bastard[/url][/b] Very much so, and a deadly practical opportunist, possible player of Xanatos speed chess. He tries to come out of every situation on top, occasionally stepping on the faces of "allies". [b]Spellweave[/b] The Mantle he wears was enchanted to provide great magical protection, and limited physical protection. The cloth itself is nearly as strong as steel, however it doesn't absorb blunt force very well. His gloves are also enchanted to strengthen his magic, and make it to use. How he attained such useful tools is a story in itself... [/INDENT][/hider]