[quote=@Meta] [@BBeast] I don't know if that use case is big enough to warrant redesigning a system though. That kind of functionality wouldn't hinder the old way of doing things. [/quote] I've been in RPs where nearly every post had multiple contributors. Most RPs I've been in end up having a handful of combo posts. I don't feel like this is a fringe case; having multiple characters linked to a post should not be much more coding work than having a single character linked. I don't feel that adding a profile pic for each character (and thus creating a pseudo-profile for them all) would be simple or worth filling the Guild's server space, but I could be wrong. [@Mahz] - not sure how much thought you've put into this system, so if you have ideas that are better, please ignore me. One option I thought of would be to have the character indicator link to a CHAR tab post that is associated with that PC. An option for GUI side (pardon my lack of edits, I'm on phone): Posted: 6 hrs ago -- PC: [color=f7941d][i][u]Mahzbot 3000[/u][/i], [i][u]Mahzbot's Lover[/u][/i][/color] -- View Raw - Link I think there should be plenty of room to put most names up in that section, even on edited posts. On the edit window, a dropdown menu on the lower left above the post button could work with the option to remove added PCs.