[@Bishop] I can see we're somewhat on the wrong page here, so let me clarify for myself and others. [quote=@Jbcool]So, here is a sci-fi based role play - think of Warhammer 40,000 mixed with Star Wars mixed with Iain Banks' Culture series mixed with [b]Xenophon's Anabasis mixed with the Hellenistic Era in general mixed with the Italian condottieri[/b], and you'll have some idea of what you can expect. Throw in a spattering of adventure, world building, 'slice of life' antics and you're pretty much there. As you probably gathered, we're going to be forming an inter-galactic [b]band[/b] of gun slinging, blade-toting bodies-for-hire; exactly what form your characters take is more-or-less completely up to the player. I'm deliberately leaving the background/setting sparse and vague, as well as asking players not to reveal everything about their characters when it comes time to write them up.[/quote] This is just a quote to highlight what I'm about with this RP, really, and that is 'the group' - your character, as he is, does not really fit into that dynamic. You say he was supposed to be the leader and yet fail to mention that, you say "So my character will not be working with you but your characters will be working for him." As if him being the leader of the [b]group[/b] gives him some sort of authority to use them in his quest for his Princess. You say "Fits the whole why be a mercenary thing. He is still in the lead unless someone has already taken the role." And "And this searching for someone excuse fits with ANY story." When it simply isn't true for this RP. If this was an RP concerned with individuals outside of a central theme, more like a D&D session, and the 'leader' wasn't just the one employed by the [b]actual employer[/b] to find and hire his band of merry men, then I'd have absolutely no problem with him - and I actually have no problem with him as a character in general - but you already seem to have formed a narrative of your own into your character and mind before we've even started. This (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercenary) is all you really need to see where I'm coming from. Lastly you say, "Even in battle he was in the front line so I don't know where you got the ninja vibe. He is too big to be one, too heavy and his metal armor would suggest some affinity to combat on the battlefield like any armored warrior." This would be because he gets hired as an assassin, as you said so yourself, and an individual, and I ponder as to why the last of his race (more or less) would ever now risk himself in the front line of battle (by himself anyway). Surely a dead dragon is not a useful dragon? I hope this has cleared a few things up, if not then I apologise and will try better.