[@ScreenAcne]Now that I'm off of work, I went ahead and wrote up a little on the unmentioned 6 factions that make up the Shattered Mountains and edited them in under holdings. [hider=Shattered Mountains]The Syndwaelin Clan: Said to be descendants of an elf who (In an almost unheard of act of settling down with one who is not of elven kind) married one of their ancestors long ago, the Syndwaelin Clan certainly have traits which back up their claims. First, they are very long lived for Humans, some Elders of the clan have reached the age of 200 and beyond according to rumor. Secondly- they are considered extraordinary archers, perhaps the best in the realm. All members of the clan practice archery- even the women, and as a whole are heavily muscled. A requirement to use their Ironwood bows, which can easily exceed draw weights of 300 pounds.They primarily make a living as mercenaries- although they also make a pretty penny plying their carpentry skills to the nobles that can afford their craftsmanship. They pay no taxes to House Ap'Arthmael, and in exchange charge no fees for use of their mercenaries in war, and on top of that always give House Ap'Arthmael top bid for their services, even if already on contract for somebody else. The only income they provide the House is buying the Ironwood that is used to make their bows and others crafts. Tunomungeg: A reclusive dwarven town that only deals with the surface when they need to trade metals for supplies. Not much is known about them even by House Ap'Arthmael, the last two generations having had no dealings with them whatsoever outside of regular payments of tax. Their situation is almost the opposite of the Syndwaelin Clan. They outright refuse to provide any soldiers- even should they need to defend The Shattered Mountains from invasion. Instead they pay a tax in raw precious metals every year- And should they need to obtain goods from outside the realm, an additional tariff on top of the initial tax. Gold and Silver are their main contributions to House Ap'Arthmael, although they primarily trade iron to the rest of the Kingdom. Korlanthe's Tower: A small- though the number is unknown- group of Wizards who own the largest pocket of habitable land in The Shattered Mountains. Supposedly they are of no small influence within the world of magic, although their true purpose and influence is only known to magic users. The Tower's name changes to match whoever leads the group, and has been in control of the wizard Korlanthe for some decades now. They care not who rules The Shattered Mountains and the only condition to serving House Ap'Arthmael was that one of their number always accompany their lord as one of his advisor. However, it is well understood that they would never assist in the invasion of a foreign land, even if they would not hesitate to use their magics to repel any would-be-conquerors trying to enter The Shattered Mountains. The Harpy Queen: With names that are impossible to pronounce on the Human tongue, the reigning Matriarchs of the harpies are all called The Harpy Queen, no matter who currently holds "Rulership" over the creatures. With no income to tax, low intelligence, and very limited use in warfare- their "Fealty" is perhaps the most nominal of all The Shattered Mountains. Still, they have some use- if limited. Not having to fight them off saves resources better spent elsewhere, and though their low intelligence makes them frustrating to work with- they do make excellent scouts both inside the realm and at the borders. In exchange they are permitted free reign to hunt anything that isn't livestock throughout the Shattered Mountains, and any Human that kills one of their kind is expected to be tried as severely as if they murdered any other race. Ferry's Rest: The city of Ferry's Rest sits at the very border of the Shattered Mountains, nestled along the river of Twin Stream's. The mayor of the city- much like the King- is elected amongst the residents of the city, although it is just as often that a lowborn earns the title as a nobleman. It is by far the wealthiest city in the region (Discounting the unknown wealth of Tunomungeg) and even the relatively modest taxes they pay account for a third of House Ap'Arthmael's annual income. Unlike the other inhabitants of The Shattered Mountains, Ferry's Rest would not particularly be hard to conquer in a conflict, and they could not collect enough leverage to grant them the same level of autonomy seen throughout the rest of the realm (Any threats of cutting off trade and supplies from outside the realm would be met with an immediate conquest of the city). As such, their relationship with House Ap'Arthmael is that of a standard vassal. They have to pay tax every year, and provide troops to assist with defense of the realm in times of war- as well as abide by the same laws that govern the rest of their liege's subjects. [/hider]