[quote=@SleepingSilence] [hider=Reply] Lordy lord. Just how I feel and how I see them being used often poorly and by people who aren't particularly intelligent themselves. Usually CS's should suffice as the sample itself. Seriously, why wouldn't it? You don't need to take it as an argument, or call it a fallacy...it's not a political debate. Trying too hard. Not everything is debate worthy. It's called an opinion, in a 'bitchfest' thread. Lighten up. One person's opinion isn't automatically worth "elevating" yourself over their "elevated" thought on a particular subject. If you use them, in spite of people having perfectly solid CS's AND a back catalog you could check yourself if not unbelievably lazy. Fine, it's just my belief. Coming from no fallacy, but constant personal experience in people who asked for it. I'm bitching about my personal annoyances. >.> I didn't think I had to clarify that since that's the thread's entire point. Sorry, for biting back. Just seems hypocritical to take somebody's personal view/generalization, and make it a personal thing like it's some sort of attack on you. If you think they're awesome, fantastic. Isn't any less right or wrong than my opinion. Still stands that I would never bother doing sample writing ever again. From my experience, that's how they all were. <.< Going with the flow and roleplaying, ya know the best part of it. Is less likely to be the case if you have to take a test beforehand. So yes, again in my opinion. Forcing players to write a CS AND a sample post. (especially if not new/lacking in a back catalog.) Shows that person will likely NOT be able to handle something going wrong or a little different than they're expecting. Because that person is displaying controlling tendencies right off the bat. So it's not just some random insult, it's a preview of the GM's behavior. <.< [/hider] [/quote] People are going to comment on things you say in an open forum, it is best to understand that. Especially when you imply those who utilize certain styles or have certain expectations are lazy, pretentious, or unintelligent. If you want an echo chamber this thread does not provide that – in fact, it never has. Additionally there is nothing hypocritical about criticizing someone’s word choice or views in a thread that is an open discussion about issues ongoing with role-playing as a hobby and medium. In fact, I have often been criticized in similar fashion but instead of having an upsetting response I responded to the other party like their points had validity as with any other discussion. Your assertion of applications shouldn’t be tests is good and all, but there are certain parameters people look for and generalizing those people as unintelligent, pretentious, or whatever else you are getting at is rather flimsy of a point. Anyway in my [seventeen plus] years of experience, a sample post accompanying a basic character sheet does not imply “not being able to handle something going wrong or different than they’re expecting”. GMs are inherently in control, they are directors and scene setters – they create the sandbox and direct the plot. If you have control issues as a player you are better off writing your own material with the absence of what we call a director because in every character or plot-driven story there is going to be that controlled direction and expectations per their project. It’s rather absurd to think otherwise. Also, I never called your opinion “wrong”, I said it was insulting [and generalizing] with a weak fundamental argument. Based on your reply it does nothing to suggest I am incorrect in this assertion. On a final note, it would probably be more rational to understand why your argumentation is seen as it is rather than just having an emotional upset.