[@ZeroCuero] [@Framing A Moose] [quote]"And the creator is just our, well, creator, from another dimension who wants to know what the answer to life, the universe, and everything is. And no, he doesn't mean '42'..."[/quote] John made a mental note in his mind. And that would be the... hmm, that's the first time someone has made that 42 reference in twenty-four hours, actually. Must be a record. He didn't know how people came to find that number out---even Robin his employee, a perfectly ordinary girl from Earth, giggled when she first mentioned it. All John knew about it was that it was plastered all over the insides of his Infinity Engine for no reason he can think of, and that people keep somehow connected it to the answer to some ultimate question or whatever about Everything. Capital E Everything. John might afterwards ask Yylya which version of the question she meant when she was very suddenly replaced by another woman. This one was fierce, angry, and ordered her food with absolutely no preamble. John kept up his smile anyway. He turned around and spoke to the small microphone to the wall, "Well, you heard her, didn't you? Three large bean and cheese burritos." To Robin, he said, "And you should bring the food out, kay?" That errand done, John returned to scanning his customers. The fabric-clad dwarf seemed like he was going to say something, and John would have been all ears when trouble popped up in the Restaurant. Or rather, someone who had trouble written all over his face. Not literally, but if someone appeared in your establishment with a black cloud of smoke and flaked by sexy vampire women, well, that can be either your best customer or your worst. "Ah, Robin," John started. "Can you also check on the Guardians? Make sure they're still callable? Just in case." [quote]After a sip, he turned to John. "Just ignore them. They'll go away. Eventually. Maybe..."[/quote] "Uhuh. Well, as long as they don't start picking a fight with anyone." And then finally, he turned to the fabric-loving dwarf. It was hard to tell under the clothes, but in closer look, they did seem awfully hungry. "Sorry about that. Is there anything that you'd like? We serve anything imaginable here." He paused, glanced at Mr. Trouble. "And in case things start flying, there's a Safe Room, over there, to the left. You can tell the others about it too. You can eat there too." [hider=Situation Notes] [b]Just arrived[/b]: - The Infamous, flanked by scantily-armoured drow and vampire. [b]People on the bar[/b]: - Sandy Cane, a space bounty huntress, having her fries and hot dog. - Ziggletrox the Destroyer, a dragon-shaped amoeba, perpetually drunk. - Levi, a bearded 33-year-old man in a sports jacket, sulking. - An Author's Ambassador, an angry woman in a dress. - Pridopus, a short figure covered entirely in fabric, awfully hungry. Chatting with each other: - 'Sandra', a teenage girl (The Authoress), having a cup of coffee. - Cledwynn Magouloura, a half-ghost half-mechanical, a bit tense. Other Staff - Robin, a human waitress, currently behind the bar. [/hider]