Notice: Antagonist for hire [url=]Ignominious Kantar[/url] is available for your adventuring deeds. Anyone and everyone is welcome to summon the beast to your adventure. He will not surrender to your will easily, and it will take [i]considerable[/i] effort to defeat him through sheer force (perhaps there is another way?) If your character can claim the Link, they will win a most powerful ally. Be warned: Kantar knows no mercy. Should you face him, death (or permanent injury) is a likely outcome. Come prepared, and have an escape plan -- or your character may be lost forever! Summon me to your thread by tagging [@mdk], preferably OOC. My intention with this character is to facilitate YOUR roleplaying needs, but this must be done in such a way that respects the beast's nature. Kantar is primarily an antagonistic force, but once defeated, he will serve his new master with enthusiasm. Do with this magic what you will!