Jenso's eyes widened as he watched Mikey's demonstration, which ended up with Ross's shattered wrist. [i][color=f26522]' way..'[/color][/i] He thought in shock. He ended up gritting his teeth for a moment. The display felt similar to how Rajaka fought, despite that it was far weaker. And yet, it was still stronger than his flame dragon punch. What Mikey had achieved was impressive. He had the same feeling like Mikey had felt towards him in the past, however. He couldn't afford to fall behind on Mikey, and this technique could be useful. Jenso clenched his fists, and began to coat them with Arki. It was a feat that he'd done before, with both Ki and Arki, in order to defend himself against strikes. He never knew that he needed to change their composition to actually apply increased damage instead. [i][color=f26522]'Change their composition, huh..'[/color][/i] He thought, doing his best to channel his Arki differently towards his hands. He tried to do it similarly to how Mikey did.