[quote=@SleepingSilence] Here's a final note from me, everyone tends to make mistakes in their writing. That's why all writers have first drafts. Plus it seems like a lot of advanced section users and in general do not spellcheck their own work. So, stuff like that would really make me raise an eyebrow if these same people were forcing to give me tests that I will assume, if flawed in anyway. I won't be accepted because that's the post they will look at. So unless the person dishing out tests, is also read/correcting every post in their RP. It feels like it was just a waste of time, for the person involved. I mean do you correct every mistake you see? I know plenty of people get offended really fucking easily, so does that worry your image and how you're perceived? So when your bound to make a mistake....like that sentence. But yes, I understand that you feel like I called you and others you may know 'pretentious', I reacted defensively to match intensity. Because I didn't. But I still disagree that tests don't lead to complications and aren't particularly fun for anyone involved and often are pointless...Making a failed CS that isn't accepted, change it a little and maybe someone else will like them. Fail to make a test writing? Congratz you wasted your time. [/quote] I was gonna stay out of this since it feels a bit like arguing with a brick wall here but I feel like I have a couple of things to say on this section specifically. (I honestly struggled to understand what you were saying for some of it, but this is what I did understand and take from it) Where, [i]anywhere [/i] was it mentioned by any of us who were talking about samples that said sample posts had to be novel-perfect writing? [b]Nowhere[/b]. Sure, good grammar is great and it helps people to understand you better but not everybody is perfect. People write posts while they're tired, they miss mistakes and post them and don't realise it till the day after. People write posts on their phones and miss autocorrect fails that they didn't see the first time (and believe me, I have had it happen to me from both sides, where autocorrect has made such a glorious fuck up that I've had to [i]ask[/i] a partner what the heck it was supposed to mean (and had partners ask me the same) because it was just that bad that it couldn't be figured out alone XD (Using "you" as in the general/"royal" you here, BTW. So if you're going to choose to get offended by it then that's on you.) Sample posts give an example of your writing as is, as you would write IC, rather than your ability to just regurgitate text into a flowery/purple prosey 3-page long CS that really isn't always necessary for the actual plot of the RP. I, personally, as a partner, player and a GM (although I tend to stick to 1x1 mostly nowadays since I don't have the time to manage a group) much prefer either a short CS that covers the basics to give people a feel for the character, or literally to give just the most basic information on a character like their name, age, gender and a brief appearance/personality traits and then let the rest be revealed ad lib in the IC, and maybe create more detailed sheets later [i]should it feel necessary for information management[/i] I don't care how fancy a CS is. I care about how your writing style "feels" to read and how well you portray the character you set out to play. I don't care about grammar mistakes (within reason. If I can't understand a single word typed then yes there will be an issue there), a few mistakes or minor issues with grammar are not grounds for me to not to accept somebody for a role play request, what I am interested in is whether they can portray a character that is interesting, fun, and believable for the setting of the RP. As for "if you can't figure out if they can write if they present you with ten paragraphs of backstory", they could be ten paragraphs of complete garbage that doesn't actually make sense. As said before by many people, quantity=/=quality. I would much rather have a short thousand words post that really shows the person can portray the character in the roleplay's timeline than ten paragraphs of purple prose and repeated points. EDIT: case in point, I just had to correct a few autocorrect fails in this very post..does that make me a bad RPer or a bad writer? Absolutely not. Nobody was implying that, ever.