[quote=@SleepingSilence]If you're going to reply with the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears. At least mention me, so I'd be able to see it and know it's mine. The way people post of this forum, where they act extremely passive aggressive but just post "under" that person, instead of actually mentioning them correctly. Is slowly becoming a pet peeve.[/quote] Wasn’t necessary. Go ahead and have your pet peeve, I’m not always going to use quotes. You do you, fam. [quote=@SleepingSilence]I asked you questions, it be nice since you engaged me to answer them...[/quote] Maybe if they were relative to my point I would have. But they did not, so I decided not to. [quote=@SleepingSilence]Why do I have to apologize for making you feel like I called you something that I didn't,[/quote] You do not have to apologize, but simply be aware why several people of different backgrounds had a problem with your statement. Perhaps be more self-aware then "defensive" and you would have more mileage on peer discussions. [quote=@SleepingSilence]Would if not piss you off if you waited 3 weeks for something that was suppose to take a day for an asshole to criticize you're writing, only to barely put effort in and fuck up their own limited effort? No sympathy whatsoever?[/quote] If it took three weeks to iterate a response about my writing then it is clear that the GM didn’t think I was compatible with what they were looking for in their group. That’s fine. No problems with that. [quote=@SleepingSilence]I feel like this is only proving my point a bit with feeling like I'm getting dog-piled. :I[/quote] Just because more than one person disagrees with you does not mean its mob mentality brought upon by tribalism. Again, think about your words and why people don't like them instead of emotionally defending yourself. Think. This is my last reply on the issue and I am honestly bored of this rhetoric. Stop playing the victim.