[@Ammokkx] point taken...though compared to the implied several page CS, with 10 paragraph back stories it would be short to me xD [quote=@Inkarnate] Elvenqueen also forget to hit the enter button on a few paragraphs. :gray [/quote] Why yes, I probably did pahahaha. I blame the tiny phone screen and my erratic brain. Sometimes it lumps things together to get them down and then I lose track of what was written where and what needs separating. *sits in the dunce corner* Yet again [@SleepingSilence] you are making sweeping generalisations o.o personally, I don't interact with most of these people in any other place than this thread (though we have had some pretty neat discussions on differing opinions here ^^) so to say we are all "involved" with one another is a broad statement with no actual merit. And nowhere did I imply CS's were not good? Where on earth are you pulling that from? I made it clear several times that in my personal opinion I prefer to look at a person's IC writing instead. Am I demanding people scrap CS's and only ever provide samples? Noooopeeee. As for whether somebody already has other posts in their posting history, of course I would look at those and wouldn't necessarily need to ask for another. (And FYI most GM's who I have seen ask for samples of [i]previous[/i] writing, so it's usually not even something that requires this gargantuan extra effort to write a "waste of time" sample, which is what you seem to be implying). However, if they were applying for say a fantasy RP, but all of their post history was slice of life or something on that vein, yes I would ask for another sample to be written in a genre closer to the one they were applying for. It proves that they can write for that setting. I've had more than enough cases, for instance a person who tried to join a normal, fairly "realistic" Wolf RP (where I was Co-GM) with a dimension-jumping werewolf/shapeshifter when the GM explicitly stated that the humans that may present challenges for the wolves were primitive, tribal people and were not playable characters. This person was able to write up a character sheet just fine but clearly had problems with creating a character appropriate to the setting given by the GM (or indeed even reading the backstory of the RP in the first place, in this case). Ability to write a character sheet =/= ability to cooperate with other players in a collaborative roleplay. Just like, yes, it can be said that writing a sample post =/= ability to write better. [i]Neither is better than the other[/i], but certainly for me personally in my 11 years of roleplaying I find sample scenarios are both more reliable for me to judge whether a potential player and I will get along well, but also more enjoyable for me to write and present to someone.