tfw you need to call someone a slug [quote=Kho in some post]'You most loveless in creation, you brimming with the blackest blackness that these oceans could e'er conjure. Do you fear the Leviathans of the deeps and the dragons of my haughty heights? There are no dragons and no Leviathans before your primal gloom!' ... 'You have sat dormant, sinking in the sands of despondency and inertia. And mayhaps that is for the best of all. For the release of your inky blackness unto the world is something even I would not wish.' ... 'You see, there are different kinds of evils and villanies that exist and have potential to exist. There are diabolical forms, there are sinister and vicious forms, there are cunning ones, and there are foolish cantankerous ones. There are ones which have eaten of wickendess and drank of malignity, and ones so depraved that they cannot see their own evil (aye, and this is the most common form! Why, this very type may well believe sincerely that it does good!) And there are many types which were I to list them all we would be here for a very long time indeed - not that time is of much relevance to us.' ... 'What I am getting at is that of all these forms, there are none as unto you. Belruarc, you flighty coward; you slinking worm; you insectoid of desperation: you are the worst of them all, the most stagnant cesspool of moral filth - not that morality matters to any form, of course. What distinguishes you is that you tap into a level of repulsiveness which even the most decadent and depraved of villains find inherently execrable. To make it easier for your now-human mind to grasp; of all the evils that the animal kingdom has in store for humanity, there are none which are abhorred quite like the slug. Its form, its excretions; all that it is disgusts and repels - even other animals. That is your comparison, Belruarc.'[/quote]