[@Patches] Duff looked through down the iron sights of his prized rifle, regulating his breathing. Shot at was still better than [i]shot[/i], he figured, and began his work. With the rounds he had loaded, no magical armour would stand a chance, and it would take heavier gear than even the Old Path wore to stop his bullets normally. They were [i]hot[/i]. Duff spied a member of the Children trying to sneak her way through the ferns to the left of the main skirmish. He exhaled, and with it came the retort of his rifle. His aim good, he didn't even wait to watch her fall. The Voidtip would pierce any magical defenses she employed and drain her of further abilities, even if it wasn't fatal. She'd be out of the fight either way. Duff would work to keep his teammates out of danger, stopping only to reload and move a bit to keep his cover-fire relevant. This had always been his best work: keeping his friends safe and his enemies dead, and he did it well.