[quote=@Guess Who] [@1Charak2] Finally finished, as promised. [hider=Teshiko Maki] [center][h2]"I've fallen once before. I won't let others make the same mistake I did."[/h2][/center] Appearance: [img]https://i.gyazo.com/72bde69dae09281212893b32155d582a.jpg[/img] Name: Teshiko Maki Age: Appears 21, she lost count of her real age Former Race: Fallen Angel Race: Angel, one pair of wings Card: 9 Notable Skills: - Firsthand knowledge of a majority of Earth's history - Experienced flyer from being an angel for so many centuries - Learned how to cook and clean as she had planned to settle down with Kiyoshi Holy Sacrament: A pair of [url=https://www.karatemart.com/images/products/large/steel-blade-kama-795652.jpg]Kamas[/url] dubbed Mercy and Forgiveness that she had used back during the Great War of the Three Factions. While they may appear to be a very close quarters weapon, they can actually be used for long range as they have the power to manipulate the air and wind around her to an extent. The farther away her target is though, the less powerful her strikes will become. For example, were she to try and slash at an opponent that was ten feet away, it would be just like she had cut them with her kamas directly. Several miles away though and at best it would be a paper cut and that would be if it even hits. Equipment: N/A Sacred Gear: N/A Magic: Nothing more than basic light projection Personality: Due to her fall from grave with her fellow angels, Teshiko usually feels great shame being around those who know of her past, growing quiet and hiding herself in the background. Among those who know little of her history though, she is kind and helpful, hoping to see others reach their full potential and wanting to make sure they never fall to their desires as she had. She may not be the most powerful, but she has experience and that is something she wishes to pass onto the new recruits that have been reincarnated over recent years. It should also be noted that, despite the betrayal of Kiyoshi, she still looks back fondly on their time together and hopes that they might meet again someday under better terms. History: Teshiko was one of the original angels that were born before The Great War, having even fought side-by-side with Michael and Gabriel. She did not have nearly as high a rank as the two of them did, a total of eight white-feathered wings had adorned her back in those days, but she had been a highly-valued soldier during the fighting. Over the next several centuries, she would perform her duty as a guardian angel, protecting the humans assigned to her from the possible dangers of both their world and that of the supernatural. Until one day, she met someone that would change her world. Kiyoshi Kurosawa was one of the previously mentioned humans that the angel was assigned to keep safe, but she ended up growing attached to the boy. Eventually, she could no longer keep her desires in check and revealed herself to him as well as her feelings. This was looked down upon by the other angels, but she had not broken any rules set by the divine order so no action was yet taken. That would not last forever. After being together for a couple years, Teshiko and Kiyoshi would finally break one of the rules set by angels, one that the angel refuses to ever admit other than to those she trusts. With this act of heresy, she was turned into a Fallen Angel. Still, she had her Kiyoshi so the now impure woman was fine with this outcome. Fast forward another year, and Teshiko would finally discover the consequences of her actions as Kiyoshi's mortal life was cut short by a fatal crash. If that was not bad enough though, she would discover that he had been in contact with a peerage of demons as they turned him into a reincarnated devil. Now that the man she once loved was a part of a rival faction intent on hunting her down, she returned to the angels she was once excommunicated from and begged forgiveness. Mercy was granted to her and she was allowed to rejoin the side of the holy, though severely reduced in her power. Other: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp-qrpDCFVo]Theme song[/url] [/hider] [/quote] Okay so with the whole reduction in wing number, that does not actually occur even with the purification process as wings are grown to shown power. They are not lost however. So... she'll retain however many wings she had before, her power would just be on the tier of a two winged angel.