[b]Name:[/b] Robin Pearman [b]Age:[/b] Born in 1958. They physically look 26. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Seeming:[/b] Elemental [b]Court:[/b] Courtless [b]Appearance:[/b] Mask: Light brown skin with a beauty mark underneath her right eye. Big chocolate brown eyes framed by thick and dark lashes. A smaller nose that narrows to a point. Thick and arched eyebrows with smaller lips that look to be constantly quirked to the left, giving the impression of a smirk. There is a dimple on that cheek with high cheekbones. She's short at 5'3 with a slightly disproportionate frame, more pearshaped. She has long and curly dark brown hair with light brown and blonde natural highlights scattered throughout that falls to her elbows. She typically wears long skirts or dresses. Maybe even the odd shorts here and there. Usually with crop tops or with tunics, maybe the odd flannel. Always with a single ring on her ring finger. Mien: She looks very similar to human form apart from a few key features. Her skin becomes hardened like one of those antique glass dolls you'd see. Her eyes glaze over and turn into a milky shade, lifeless. There are cracks littered all over her skin, a few pieces missing revealing black emptiness. She shrinks down to 5 feet even, not too far down from her usual height. [b]History:[/b] Robin's previous life is a blur, small details missing. She came to the U.S with her parents from Mexico when she was a little girl. They bought some house somewhere in a rural town, small in numbers, very close-knit. When she was older, she met a man. His name is lost to her, but she remembers them falling in love. It was something... epic. They got married and moved in with each other a few years after their first meeting. She remembered being... happy. She'd never been the most... sought after girl with her accent and dislike for most 'normal' girl things. He was the first guy to show any interest in her. They were happy together. Less than a year after their marriage, she gave birth to her first child. A baby girl. Her name was... Alice. She remembered that. Then, 2 years later, twin boys by the names of James and David. She's unsure as to why she remembers her children's names and not her husband's but... Robin prefers to not think of it. She stayed at home while he was a... doctor? Or maybe a businessman. One of the two. While it may seem like a bland or boring existence... she was genuinely happy. She never wanted it to change... but she wouldn't be known to you if that was it, ya know? Her capture was... another blur at first. But, she dreamt of it every night so she was quite familiar with it. She was at home, making dinner. Her husband was to be home soon and she wanted to surprise him, it being their anniversary. The kids were upstairs doing... something. Apparently, there was a rumor going around their school that if they said this... thing and did a ritual, they'd be able to have good luck. Them being kids, they saw nothing wrong with it and believed it to be true. So, they cut open one of Alice's old dolls and put a strand of their hair into it before taping it shut. They said... something. She didn't know what. And it didn't give them good luck but it did something. Robin heard their screams and had ran upstairs. Bursting into the older sibling's room where they were, she saw this... creature. It was... tall and lanky... horribly disfigured. It was as if it's face had been melted, all of the features mixing together. It held her squirming children in it's hands, trying to stuff them into a sack, some kind of portal behind it. She didn't think. She didn't hesitate. She threw one of the books from the bookcase at it, and kept throwing. Apparently, she caught his attention and kept it. Setting the children down, it went for her. She fought back best she could but she was no match for it. With her children crying and screaming for her and the sound of it laughing, it all went to black when she finally shoved into the sack. Everything after that was... hell. She was trapped inside a doll. The creature that took her was apparently a collector. It collected everything from dolls, to carvings, to even silverware. It looked shiny. Robin was it's favorite doll to play with. But, the doll she was inside of was one of those antique glass dolls. You know, the ones that your grandparents told you to be careful with because if you dropped it, you could crack it. Yeah, one of those. Those dolls were never meant to be played with, usually just kept for the decor. But, it didn't care. It would have tea parties with her, run around and play with her, have fights with her against other dolls (Those were the worst. She had a feeling she wasn't the only soul inside of a doll, it filled her with the disturbing mix of pity and relief at not being alone.), and he would sleep with her. She was the favorite, she could never figure out why. Actually, no. The fights weren't the worst... his tantrums were. He was apparently more childish then you'd think. He'd storm into his hidden home where she was kept, so angry. She never figured out why he was so angry all the time. Hell, it took years before she realized that 'it' was a 'he'. Process of elimination, really. He'd come in angry and would start breaking stuff. His rage was... horrifying. She always took the brunt of it, being thrown around so much that it was a miracle the whole thing didn't shatter. But, by the time she left, the doll had many pieces missing and many cracks scattered all over. It came to reflect how her Mien form would look. And don't think that just because she was a doll, she felt nothing. No, she felt it all. And it was... agony. And it never ended. The same routine over and over again for what felt like centuries... before she escaped. Now she would be let out of the doll every once in a while, usually to clean herself up and maybe eat. She could go a long time without eating there and she didn't need to clean herself as often. But whenever she started to smell, he would take her out of the doll to clean her. It was demeaning and disgusting, feeling his lumpy hands on her own skin. But, she dealt with it because she never knew when she'd ever be let go again or if he'd throw a fit and up killing her the next day. It just so happened that on the day he was letting her out to feed her, he'd left the door unlocked by mistake. She didn't hesitate, she couldn't. She ran. She ran out of the door and ran down the stairs, he was none the wiser. Her legs hadn't been used in a long time and she kept stumbling and falling, but she didn't stop. Even as rocks and sharp objects bit into her feet, cracking them, she didn't stop. She'd memorized the path back to the hedge to reach home. He'd taken her down this path many a time for walks and strolls whenever he walked his possessions. And it wasn't until as she was leaving that she realized she never knew it's name... and she didn't care. Reaching the mortal relm, she was naked, cold, dirty, and starving. She'd appeared in the same place she was taken... her older daughter Alice's room. However, it was empty. Moving quietly, she searched for any sign of her family and... nothing. It was as if they were never there... there was a new couple living there if the pictures were anything to go by. Stepping outside, there were all these things that she never knew about. Unfamiliar and horrifying. She ran... again. She'd managed to change into human form and had stolen some clothes, doing her best to get to New York in this unfamiliar world. Her parents had told her that, if she needed them, to come to New York and she would be welcomed. She made it there a few weeks later after hitching a ride from a few people and managing to steal some money in order to pay for a flight to New York. She did some... not so good things. Making it there, she searched for her parents the best she could, going to the address she'd repeated in her head like a mantra during her time in captivity. She'd always wanted to believe she'd escape, after all. However, she was horrified to find out that she was already there. Or, at the very least, someone who looked like her. She'd banged on the door, pleading for them to recognize that it was her. But, her family thought that she was some crazy woman trying to hurt them while they were having a nice dinner to celebrate her daughter Alice's engagement. She was chased away with threat of a shotgun to the face and she had to leave. She realized she was on her own and used her remaining money to buy a small apartment in the shady side of New York. She got a job as a waitress at some kind of lounge. That's all she'd been doing, working and sleeping with little in between. She lives as comfortably as she can considering she's constantly looking over her shoulder and has no family and friends. The only reason she got the job was because the owner found her attractive and has been trying to get into her pants ever since. She gets paid well enough and can afford to go out and buy stuff but she doesn't. She saves her money and doesn't do anything that could draw attention to herself. (As far as she knows.) It's not the best life or even a really good one. But, she's alive and away from him. She'll take what she can get. [b]Personality:[/b] Prior to her capture, Robin was a confident girl. Sure, for the time period she was a bit of an oddity. Willing to stand up for herself and being anything but a submissive. However, these character traits only mutated when she was captured and let go. Her confidence turned a recklessness. Sure, she didn't want to get caught by any fae ever again. However, with other humans? She's no longer really scared of anything that's not fae or supernatural related. She is bluntly honest and has this feisty temper that developed after being unable to speak for herself for what felt like hundreds of years. Her ire for anything submissive turned her into a control freak. She despises being unable to control everything about her life. From what she wears to what she eats. If she wants to do something, even if on a whim, she'll do it. When she was a doll, she was never able to do even the most simple of things like feed herself or bathe herself. This will be different. She'll never let anyone control her ever again. She's also anything but loud. At least, as long as you don't make her angry. She's not quiet to the point where she is afraid to speak or would be more likely to curl into herself then approach someone. Nothing like that. It's just that she's more of an observer. Being in a doll, whenever you weren't played with, you were forced to just sit on a shelf and stare. Just watch what was going on around you. Sure, it was boring. But, doing that made you observant and made you notice even the tiniest things. Robin just naturally falls back into that quiet state and just watches everything. It makes her great at noticing small details and ticks about people. She may come across as uncaring, aloof, or even crazy considering her being rash and being incapable of not thinking through decisions that don't involve fae. But, she is one of the most caring people you'll ever meet. She was a mother of three, don't forget that. Caring for others is embedded in her DNA. No matter how much she may try and fight those instincts, if she sees injustice or cruelty, she will act. [b]Skills:[/b] She is good at lying and sucking up to people, able to usually get what she wants from people. This comes from her having to lie to her captor in order to get extra time outside the doll or just to eat on her own. She's good at negotiations and sweet-talking, what can she say? She's also a pretty great cook and, interestingly enough, she's a great dancer. Her husband and she used to go dancing every weekend either by themselves or with friends. She's, uh, good with random trivia and her skills with guitar are pretty good. Childhood and all that, even if she doesn't remember exactly how this happened. [b]Supernatural Powers:[/b] She has the ability to speak to dolls, able to communicate with them and have them talk back. She can just make small talk with them or ask them to keep an eye out for people or ask them if they'd seen others. She also has a slight sensitivity to magic, mostly just enough to feel if it's near. She'd been exposed to a lot of it during her time in captivity. Robin, if need be, can control dolls. Some dolls are empty, with no voices inside of them or life whatsoever. Those are the dolls she can control. Using her thoughts, she can have them do whatever she wants. Whether it be grab something, make something, or even fight someone if need be. But, those kinda dolls are hard to fine. She can also turn into a doll that looks just like her, useful if she needs to heal. However, break and destroy the doll... destroy her. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Due to her desire for control, she has a habit of not thinking things through. Sometimes taking really risky actions just because she wants to. Unless, of course, it involves the fae. She has an almost paralytic fear of the fae, afraid that if she gets caught she'll be sent back into the doll and to her cruel captor. She is also claustrophobic with a fear of cramped and dark spaces. She is also allergic to blueberries and has this irrational fear of technology. Hmm, it might not be best described as a fear. More of an annoyance with technology considering she's not good with it and anything even somewhat advanced has a tendency to... malfunction. Possessions: Apart from some of the obvious items, 3 of those that standout are. 1. Her wedding ring, she has never taken it off even when she was trapped inside a doll. 2. When she was escaping, she grabbed a large black overcoat to cover herself with. It was all she wore when she escaped and when she arrived in the human world. She didn't wear it since then, keeping it only as a souvenir to remember that she escaped. However, she does sense this strange magical energy from it. She'd assumed it was because of where it was from but... she's not sure. 3. An acoustic guitar she'd bought. It was one of the only things she'd bought for entertainment apart from books... she has a lot of them. It was something she bought on a whim and doesn't play it often. But, it feels like a connection to her past so... she doesn't get rid of it. [b]Other:[/b] A quirk: She has an obsession with animals. Like, it doesn't matter the species or whatever. If she sees a dog, or a cat, or a lion, she wants to pet it. Favorite Food: Tacos. Tacos are awesome. Theme Song: Hmm... Control by Halsey. Whatever: The movie Jumanji is awesome.