Riley scratched his stubbly chin as Izzy spoke. "Hmm, appealing to his more human side has potential as a plan. Perhaps as well, you might try to [i]lure[/i] the Wolf, rather than chase it. Between not knowing Trevor as well as you, and presenting a more obvious threat, it's not a plan I was ever able to try. Trevor's smart, but the Wolf is not; its overconfidence might be the key to your victory." When Izzy asked about restoring her vampire powers, Riley simply smiled in his usual, cryptic sort of way. "I was wondering when you'd get around to asking me that. Seemed like an inevitability. Yes, there is a way, to a certain extent. When the Lil' Vamp feeds on your blood, in a small way he's actually re-establishing his dominance as master. The scale tips ever-so-slightly back in his favor, and both of you are restored to your true forms, your true power, for just as long as it takes for him to go hungry again and the scale to tip back towards you. You've not noticed since you're feeding him just enough to keep him alive, but your power as a vampire increases with the more blood he drinks from you. The more blood you feed him, the more proportionately powerful you both will become." Riley stuck out a finger in warning, then. "Of course, you run the risk of pushing this past the point of no return. If he can ever fully reassert his dominance over you, well..." Riley smiled again, coyly. "Let's just say we'll have a bit of a mess on our hands."