Inspecting the bodies, Wingate tried to prove one of Lucille's assumptions. [color=8882be]Weapons are drawn. There was likely a fight here. If it was a fight between them, one could've killed the other and the other died of blood loss. That or the killer...[/color] she said, looking back where they came, [color=8882be]Is our friend back there at the entrance.[/color] Inspecting the bones for any damage, she responded [color=8882be]The Isz were known for their rune machines, so watch out for anything that could still be active. Take a look at this.[/color] She said, pointing to the spine on one of the skeletons. A hole shaped wound, separating the two vertebrae [color=8882be]Some sort of stabbing weapon killed this one. Like a spear or spike. However...[/color] She pointed to the other skeleton in the room. [color=8882be]That one over there is holding an axe. Not suited for stabbing... This is quite puzzling indeed.[/color]