Cassandra looked to the pile of Gunpla as Sakuya spoke, and the extra parts. Mostly trying to see if any of the MP types 'called to her', which she figured the Graze would, but seeing the Serpent next to it. That ended up being her choice, if for no other reason then how 'slept on' Serpents are. So after walking over and grabbing the Serpent box, she looked at the box of random parts, for a good minute. Occasionally sifting through the parts, looking for something to get that spark going. It wasn't till she found a pair of Gatling Shields from the Full Armor Unicorn that the lightbulb went off. She grabbed those and a pair of 3 tube missile pods she'd seen in an extra parts kit, and a few stray Beam Saber handles and headed back to her seat and started seeing about trying to build the rather vague idea she'd just had.