[h3][color=ed1c24]Ekaterine Volkov[/color][/h3] "You cannot hide from me." The strange Inquisitor said, his voice sounding even louder than before. "The Eyes can already see all that you are, children, and all that you could ever be." He continued his preaching, walking forward and clutching an artefact that was in his neck even harder than before... [color=ed1c24]"For fucks sake... There you go with the 'my child' talk again... You guys from the Heavens' Eyes are all the same... I can't deny that you hide some pretty... interesting things that I would love to put my hands into, but I just can't stand some of your more... fanatic members..."[/color] Ekaterine said, getting out of her cover and walking on the Inquisitor's direction, with her knife on her hand. "I can taste the guilt of your pilot, who abandoned his family to the treachery of the Iron Dominion, where gold and blood rule; I can hear the whispers of your scholar's fears of his own loneliness, sharp and biting; I can feel the pinpricks of your Dragonkin's weakness, like a sapling in the wind, or a greyhound on the run, only useful until it can move no longer; and most of all, I can smell the revulsion that your Dryad cannot ignore when she sees my face, my eyes, and knows that I am not a person as she knows it. I know all that you are, and you cannot hope to prevail in your pathetic mission." he continued, talking about every single one of the other members, saving for her. [color=ed1c24]"Ugh... creepy... Are you a stalker or something?"[/color] she said, provoking him with a grin. [color=ed1c24]"Although I must say... I feel quite ignored here... You haven't mentioned my name even once in your entire speech! Is your ego so big that you forgot who is standing in front of you?"[/color] she said, spinning the knife in her hand, standing a few meters away from him, blocking his path. Stretching herself with her hands behind her head, she made a discreet hand signal for the Ariah, who was probably watching, showing three fingers on her hand and then closing it in a fist, shortly after showing only two fingers and joining them together. He would know what she meant by that. While she and Ariah dealt with the inquisitor, the others would deal with the ones who were boarding the ascendo. [color=ed1c24]"You know... We can be more similar than you may think... We both know that information and knowledge can be sharper than any blade, and more valuable than any jewel. That's why you Eyes are so full of secrets... So desperate to hide this knowledge you have from the rest of the world. Your greed for power is the base of your entire organization, or I should said 'religious sect'?" [/color] [color=ed1c24]"But who am I to judge you? After all, I too, seek for more knowledge, and thus, power. But unlike you, I don't do it with religious purposes, or try to hide it under the guise that I am actually 'protecting' the others from this dangerous knowledge. I do it simply because I like it. I like power, and I like to kill. Its actually pretty simple. I like to know about things. After all, information is not only a weapon for me, but it also means money and even more interesting things to do and know." [/color] [color=ed1c24]"But the biggest difference between us at the moment, is that I'm currently, your enemy."[/color] Ekaterine said, stopping spinning her dagger and assuming a combat posture, low on the ground, ready to pounce on the inquisitor. Before she could attack him, the best thing to do would be try to know which weird magic he would attack with, so she could estimate his abilities and make a plan to evade his attacks. She trusted Ariah. He knew what he had to do. After all, it wasn't the first time that her and Ariah needed to face a strong enemy.