Hello! I don't know exactly how to do one of these but here goes I guess. People tend to write about themselves to give a bit of info about them so let's see, I used to write when I was younger and I believe it can be quite fun, I'm a female and I also enjoy watching tv, movies and video games! Only recently I got into RPing so I'm trying to find some cool places to begin. So I'm looking for someone to do a Modern Fantasy/Superhero Roleplay. It sounds sort of confusing so let me give you a quick overview of the plot I had in mind. Earth 2014, within the last decade the emergence and overall rise of super powered beings who were called many things, Demigods, Superhumans, Demons but eventually the name 'Champion' stuck with these beings. As it appeared, each individual had a realm of their own, an entire variety of powers that was unique to that being often related to an overall theme (IE Knight, Water, Sun, Technology.) As time went on, these beings with abilities were looked upon for a variety of reasons, while some were brought into their governments as 'secret weapons' others chose to simply lay low and continue life as a normal human. Some began freelance protection services while others became beings of pure evil and waged war with all forms of order. Whatever option these beings choose, one thing is clear. They are here to stay and as long as humans reproduce, they will give birth to these superbeings. As you can see its pretty loose, I do have a general plot in mind which we can discuss further and I have my character in mind along with her theme (Magic). If this interests you please message me and lets talk it out! Hope to hear from some lovely people!