[quote=@Kafka Komedy] EDIT: Also, that CS feels like it's missing an "equipment" section. Will our characters be getting loot of any kind from quests? [/quote] You can just put your equipment in the Magic/Abilities section. And yes, you can get loot from the quests such as special items. [quote=@Kafka Komedy] EDIT X2 COMBO: Also, could you give more info on the Moon kingdom? Are they okay with monster-girls? What's their culture like? [/quote] Their society isn't that much different from the others but they do have slightly higher standards of living. Their most notable feature is their Napoleonic-era military but they still have knights and melee troops. They are lacking in the field of magic due to decline of its popularity and reputation with the citizens of the kingdom. Technically they're still anti-monster but their war against the Order is using much of their resources so any monster girl within their territory or hiding amongst the populace are mostly ignored so long as they don't cause any ruckus. I'll elaborate more with them and the unmonsterized Dwarven kingdoms but I'm still working on that. --------- To everyone else, I eagerly await your characters.