James was not in the middle of anything when the text came. No, far from it, he had been waiting for some sign that his fate had been decided, by his car, parked by the green space in a gated, western immigrant community reminiscent of one of the nicer London boroughs - though that was hardly saying much. It was, notably, not [i]his[/i] immigrant community. He needed somewhere he could blend in - where his White British ethnicity and stark blue eyes wouldn't make him stand out too much - but James was all too aware of the fact that his actual community would be the first place that the Family would be looking for their Kagaku-sha, a criminal known to be inexperienced in the physical and tactical element of the underworld. James was smart enough to know not to go home, at least. Knowing that, he'd brought his most important possessions with him when he'd sabotaged the manafacturing plant. A case of basic medical supplies, some food and water, a knife and a gun - which had, ironically, been a present from the very same criminals he'd just screwed over - with a couple of magazines' worth of ammunition, and of course, his smartphone. The one he had always been very, very careful not to tip his employers off about, lest they try to track it or bug it. Now, as the rain pelted down in the city, he looked again at that very same phone, and grimaced at the sight of his name on the board. Erasure. Not that he [i]really[/i] knew anything about it, but he'd always heard that it was a very, very unpleasant way to die. Or... be removed. He couldn't even recall fully if it involved real death, or just something else. Nobody knew but the erasers, unless by some strange twist of fate they themselves did not truly know how they did whatever they did. He looked at the address - or rather, the coordinates, next. He wasn't sure exactly where that was, but he could find it without much trouble. James pulled open the driver side door of his car, and got in, plugging the coordinates into the GPS app of his phone and making a mental list of priorities as he did. [list] [*]Priority number 1 - Establish contact with whoever the fuck has decided to help you. [*]Priority number 2 - Identify and avoid the enemy. [*]Priority number 3 - At any and all costs, find your way back to England. [/list]