[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170526/63499e7f44ca798ae98f342f9cb998d0.png[/img] [color=00a99d]Location: Classroom 2-A, Yurei High School Interacting with: [@Mercurial] [@Three][/color][/center] [hr] It would seem that Aika wanted to say something more but the President seemed to want their attention. She smiled at Aika and gave a nod before scurrying to take her proper seat. As Mitsuko continued to speak, she resigned to leaning back on her chair. Mitsuko sounded irritated. Well, she guessed that having the classroom start to boom with interaction when they were only asked to introduce themselves was quite annoying... Oh well, sorry prez. So apparently there were two reasons for this club. The first one was so they could discuss the occult itself. And it was [i]intelligent[/i] discussion where it's just some people forcing their beliefs on another. She can appreciate that but she guessed she won't be able to participate all that much on that matter. The second one was much more up her alley. Okay maybe interacting with said occult things weren't her area of expertise but running around and 'speaking' with them fits her much more than having debates about whether they're real or not. Hearing about how they'll be looking for a supposed weak ghost on the Halloween Extravaganza. This made her grin. While she wasn't exactly a huge believer on the whole supernatural thing, a little exploration of the school grounds at night seemed like a wonderful idea. They always say that places look different at night. She wondered if the school was the same. The latest she's been here was until the clubs were out. Looked like they were staying a little bit past that. Her eyes shifted to the papers behind her on the table. Waivers huh? Well, she guessed she had to let her parents know somewhat even at her age. And now, the questions began. Ai was the first one to speak up, questioning how Mitsuko was measuring the so-called spiritual output. Hm, now that she mentioned it, how did Mitsuko do it? And how were they sure it was accurate... or if it existed at all. And then Yoshi was up, preaching about something. She claimed that what Mitsuko thinks is a ghost is a demon, as ghosts do not exist... or something like that. She was citing some lines from the bible, Yuki assumed, considering she had the holy book out and all. As Yoshi continued to ramble on about her beliefs, Yuki raised her right leg so it was on the chair and leaned her head there so she could continue looking at the Christian devotee. Huh, sounded more like her trying to convert everyone to following this Lord she was talking about. Yuki had a wild feeling it wouldn't work on everyone. Then Yoshi sat down and continued conversation with Ai. With that done, she changed the position of her head so her chin was resting on her knee as she looked at Mitsuko. She raised her hand for a bit and when Mitsuko's eyes were on her, she would begin to speak but it doesn't seem like she had any intention of standing up. [color=00a99d]"I'm only just wondering... if we supposedly meet a ghost, and that's a pretty big if, what would you do? And if there are supernatural forces, or demons as Yoshi claimed, do you have any protection in your arsenal that could help us?"[/color] This was all on the off chance that ghosts and everything supernatural was actually real. She was quite curious on what kind of precautions she had since she does believe in the occult. Certainly she knows that there are dangerous supernatural beings out there.