[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://fireflyonlinewiki.com/w/images/b/b1/Newhope.png[/img] [i]Newhope[/i][/center][hr][hr] Atticus looked up from the page of the bible he was reading, Revelations. His eyes peering over the top of the book towards Foy as he sucked on the piece of formerly wrapped candy. [color=fff79a]"Will you be leaving us or will be you one of the souls I will need to keep an eye on from here on out?"[/color] Atticus chuckled as he closed his bible and stuck it into the front inside pocket of his coat. Rising from the chair he straightened his coat and buttoned a single button. [color=fff79a]"Not that the Captain would admit it but we could use another gun. Camilla was our previous. Can't promise that things will always be profitable and we won't be visiting the most advanced cities but I can promise you that the lord provides. Usually in exciting and ever new ways. It is never a dull moment. And where ever we go you can rest assured that there will be more than a handful of people needing your services. Either of them. Adventure is only a step in the right direction,"[/color] Atticus said as he crossed his arms over his chest. [color=fff79a]"Plus if you don't come with us, just think of the horrible state my fine facial hair will return to without you to keep things perfect?"[/color] Out on the dock Anisa rested her hands on her hips and gave Dorothy a glance out of the corner of her eye. [color=f26522]Doc,"[/color] she said with a slight nod. [color=f26522]"Everything packed up for the move once we are ready? Remember, we are taking nothing from the ship. I don't want them to be able to trace any medical equipment or anything else for that matter if we get boarded later on in our new vessel. Can you make sure to double check everything people are setting aside to take with them?"[/color] Anisa asked. She wanted to have things double checked. [color=f26522]"Then get it loaded up into the holding dock I rented while we are here. I am expecting a three day layover here on Newhope at least."[/color] Thing was Anisa knew she could get them a ship today after the sale but she wanted to give everyone a day or two to unwind. The way she had laid things out it would take longer but it would keep the crew that was remaining with her busy while she dealt with the sale and purchase alone. She didn't want any of them with her. It was a captains thing. It would be their home but it would be her ship. She didn't want others poking their nose into her business and as long as she was captain, it was her business and her business alone. Glancing over at Harper she listened to what he said and nodded. Seemed he and Jahosafat had decided to stay, Gideon as well. so she had medical, a pilot, an engineer, and a second in command. She knew Atticus would remain with her but she wondered if Daphne would as well. As far as Foy went she had no idea. [color=f26522]"Right, make sure your bags are packed and then report back to me. Going to send you and a few others into town to get provisions for when we leave. Dorothy can help you get a lit of what we need together. Will need costs laid out and then report back. Once the sale is final and a new ship is purchased we will work out the logistics and make final purchases."[/color]