Lyra arrived in her room drenched in water. Her mind needed to back up a sec to even remember how she even got wet. The assembly earlier ended in an off-note, and Lyra was still thinking about how it could be so off. There was that guy spewing profanities at the end. Not a teacher, of course. Could be a student, but how did he get up there, and why on earth would he even say those things? He could be looking for attention, but why then? He might know things that no other students do. It's possible he might just be having a bad day, but what kind of bad day would ignite such a public outburst? The weather outside was [i]nice[/i], the people here are awfully [i]nice[/i]. His reaction was completely jarring and she was, for some odd reason, fascinated. So fascinated in fact, that she only gave a passing thought to the water elementals (blobby, kind of cute. She didn't think they have a mind of their own, they're probably loosely controlled by a water elementalist) and her own steps (one at a time, just follow the crowd). She was halfway through remembering how the speech went in the hall earlier when she stepped right [i]into[/i] a blob of water. So that was what happened. Now she was in the entrance of her dorm room, very carefully handling her bags. She was still dripping water all over the floor; people can probably follow the trails from the hallway outside. Her violin was in its case, mostly unharmed. Lyra remembered, vaguely, of dropping it before she jumped right into the water elemental. She didn't know how that happened; it was almost like the wind blew it off her hand. Either way, the first thing she had to do was get herself dry. The second thing would be to check on her instruments, and then maybe the rest of her belongings. She looked at the trail of water and wondered if her roomate would be mad.