[h1][center][color=39b54a]Daphne Pender[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Outside Retribution[/center][hr] Over the past few days, Daphne had been sitting around doing nothing. She was all too happy to get off the ship when they reached Newhope. Being cooped up on board the ship and working with Alliance people all the way was not pleasant, especially when she still wasn't really flying the ship. She had gotten used to the idea of Harper flying instead of her, but she would still rather be at the helm. She eventually found herself standing outside of the ship. Daphne saw her sister talking with the Captain, and she noticed Harper standing there as well. She contemplated walking over to see what they were doing, but decided against it. She would rather walk around, and look at the area. Being stuck on the ship while everything was being moved around was not her idea of a good time. Daphne walked away from the ship and into the town, to see if she wanted to buy anything while she was there, and knew that it was probably best if she stayed out of the way.