Oz didn't let him land on the other side. Regardless of his distance above him the staff stretched across its center giving it uncanny length. That must have been why it looked so strange compared to the rest of the weapon. He swung it wide over his head, arching over himself on the same trajectory Jeff was set to land. The unusual staff exuded force, keeping the biting wind at bay while he swung it albeit a few slashes that managed to dash at his shield to little effect. To add to the combo he quickly spun it across his shoulders again and it rippled through the air around him before settling back into a two-handed grip. [color=violet]"What happens when your foe is unaffected by small attacks? You plan a better one. Should I spell it out? I won't go down unless you pierce my shield. Try getting in my guard, assuming you're as fast as Zelriane that is. Just make sure the hit lands because if it doesn't you'll be feeling it."[/color] Oz advised. [color=violet]"Zel had a hard time hitting me with projectiles too. Be thankful I rarely go all out. I don't like killing people."[/color]