During the bouts of cheering spurred on by the captain’s promises of adventure, Ayril cheered her heart out. Naturally, such speeches were never in shortage on her home island. At one point or another, everyone seemed to have need for motivation, and she often stored the inspiring words she heard deep within her mind. Most of the inspiring words, at least, for it wouldn’t exactly be a bother if a few words were left out… However, in the end their speeches just weren’t able to beat the whimsical chattering of her actual captain; who may or may not have been putting his all into sounding like an actual pirate. When the ruckus died down, and the words of relaxation filled the air, the tealette released a sigh. “The last stop before reaching the Grand Line, huh?” She shoved a hand into her pocket, fishing around for the small leather bag that served as her wallet. After a moment, she plucked it out, thumbing at the opening. “I wonder if this is enough…” She frowned at what little coinage she held, before turning towards Blake. “Oi! Capt’, can I borrow some money?” She called, already turning back towards the port town. “I’d like to… respectfully plunder this town for what ingredients they have to offer.”