[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ZJrQjhZ.png[/img] [color=DDA0DD][i] [h2]Zafiriel[/h2][/i][/color] Firiel watched the sunrays dance on the dusty floor. As she walked, they twirled and intertwined into thin golden threads of light. Once in a while, a large wood pillar would interrupt the continuous stream of sunlight sifting through the tall mosaic windows. Firiel stopped on her tracks and turned to look at the nearest window. She squinted her eyes – not because she could not bear to face the brilliant sunlight – but because tears were still forming in the corners of her eyes. With a quick swipe of her slender fingers they were gone. Time uncounted had passed since Firiel had escaped to cry it all out in a quiet safe corner. She had found one in the end of a deserted corridor. She had not noticed the giant doorway leading to a magnificent hall, a monument crafted to represent each of the elements, all in perfect harmony with each other. Thus, Firiel was quite nonplussed to hear footsetps echoing, nearing her – not only a few people, but a whole crowd of students. All too soon, the comforting silence was shredded in pieces by the vivacious chatter of the teens. For a moment, she had this crazy thought that maybe these people were chasing after her. Maybe the were sent to look for her – after all, she had blown a hallway on her first day in the Academy. None of the students seemed to notice her. She could sigh in relief. Firiel had no idea why all these people were crowding the hallway and she had no intent of trying to find that out. Whispering out countless sorries, she elbowed her way through the crowd and left in search for a quieter space. Firiel batted her eyelids a few times to chase off the last tears. Her steps had lead her to a familiar scene. A dusky hallway, covered in thick soot and ash. Unconsciously, Firiel’s eyes looked for the form of a short blue-haired boy, only he was nowhere to be found. [color=DDA0DD][i]Why would I even be looking for him? I don’t understand. I cannot possibly face him after what I did…[/i][/color] She hit her fist on a wall with a gentle thud. A paper slip fell out of the pocket of her velvety dress. Without second thoughts she picked it up, swiped the ash off it and read. [color=DDA0DD][i]En cas d'urgence, veuillez contacter: p.frankenstein@hooray.fr[/i][/color] For a moment, she just stood there with a blank face. As what had happened dawned on her, her face flushed as pink as young cherry blossoms. She froze, staring at the words hastily written on a yellow post-it note. It was the note Mr. Paolini had hastily given her before she had escaped from Grandfather’s villa. [color=82ca9d][i]”If anything is to happen to you, please contact the email address written on that post-it note. Stay safe. May the stars and fire light up your journey.”[/i][/color] [color=DDA0DD][i]Mon Dieu. I gave the teacher the wrong note. I cannot believe this… Why, Zafiriel, why?! Why do you keep messing things up?![/i][/color] She felt her whole body tremble with shame. Not only had she hurt her first friend here, but also caused unnecessary trouble for a teacher. She shook her head again, eyes tightly squinted closed. A door in the hallway flung open with a loud creak. Firiel’s head snapped up at the noise. A woman in a tight dress emerged before her. Her hair was floating gently in the air, as if swayed by a breeze. As she made her way to where Firiel was standing, a lush rosy scent filled the air. It tickled the insides of Firiel’s nostrils. A sneeze was about to burst out – [color=f9ad81]”Hi there Miss, are you alri –”[/color] [color=DDA0DD]”Achoo!”[/color] The teacher’s greeting was cut short. However, she kept her composure and merely smiled at the fiercely blushing girl. She wiped her face with a lacy handkerchief before continuing, [color=f9ad81]”I believe it is time for the first-years to gather at the assembly hall, Miss…”[/color] [color=DDA0DD]”Zafiriel Marie Louise de Grantaine, heureux de faire votre connaissance”,[/color] said Firiel with a deep bow before the teacher. She had a hunch you probably wouldn’t bow before teachers, but it was a good way to hide her crimson face. As te teacher told her to stand up, she swung her hair to hide her face. [color=f9ad81]”Well, Miss de Grantaine, I suggest we head to the hall very soon as the assembly is about to start.”[/color] Quickly, Firiel took the post-it note, hurriedly scribbled something on it and slammed it on the door of another teacher’s office. Without further ado, the duo proceeded to join the assembly. [img]http://i.imgur.com/UMOrrlP.png[/img] Firiel stared at the water giant with wide eyes. Its upper body had the resemblance of a humanoid whereas its lower body was practically nonexistent, replaced by a giant water blob. The elemental moved with loud swishes and swashes, occasionally sprinkling tiny droplets over the students. Almost everybody was so fascinated by their unnatural guide that they didn’t care if they got soaked. By the time the happily chattering crowd reached the dormitory, Firiel’s hair was hanging around her head like a dark purple wet squid. Firiel had not been able to listen the teachers ramble on. She had made herself busy by hiding from everyone under her chair. She had attracted a lot of attention – the students around her had pointed at her and giggled making her want to become one with the ground below her. She had not seen who the Headmaster was – his voice was uncomfortably familiar, though – nor did she see that student go full in nuke mode on the stage. She just heard loud noises and perplexed chatter mixed together. After what felt like an eternity, the assembly had finally reached its end. Firiel was so tired she barely noticed the other students or the beautiful sundown gracing the Academy and its grounds. She quickly grabbed the key to her dorm and rushed the stairs up to her room. Like a mother’s arms, the comforting silence engulfed her in its embrace. All she could hear was the distant chatter of the other students making themselves at home in their dormitories. Sighing, Firiel slouched down on the floor, resting her back against the door. The day’s events quickly flashed before her closed eyes. The headmaster’s injury, the sooty hallway, and a pair of surprised golden eyes… Her head was spinning. So much had happened in just one day. Firiel felt like she could not comprehend all that had been going on. All of the heavy thoughts ignited a fire in her heart. A fire stronger and more majestic than ever before. All the different feelings she had felt during the day melted into one big bonfire demanding to burst out of her mouth and fingers. Her whole body was pulsating with rhythm and warmth. The fire burnt her soul, her chest, her whole self, and soon, a melody was forming in her mind. Quickly, Firiel got up and flung the door open. With utmost confidence she entered the common room. Nobody was hearing – and if they were, they could not get in to see who was singing. She could feel hot steam rise off her shoulders. Now or never, before she would blow out her dorm. [i][color=DDA0DD]”Black was the night when I did surrender I did give in to my weakening sight Now that I'm empty my dreams once were many Soul's bitter cry to unleash th divine When you think there's no way out And all you see collides Hope will in the end chase all your fears away…”[/color][/i] As she sang, all of her feelings melted away to craft a powerful melody. Firiel brought her hands up towards the ceiling, little flames dancing on her palms like fireflies. [/center] [hr] [center] [@Regitnui] [i]This is the song, starting from 3:00[/i] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhdlR6gRbzM[/youtube] [@Kalleth] [i]Firiel left the following note glued on the door to Manilow's office:[/i] [color=DDA0DD][i][s]"En cas d'urgence, veuillez contacter:[/s] p.frankenstein@hooray.fr Cher Monsieur Manilow. Please contact that address. Meilleurs vœux, Zafiriel Marie Louise de Grantaine"[/i][/color] [/center]