Online and working on getting this launched as soon as possible. I have a discord server that I mostly use for gaming, but I will be using for the Official Deadland Discord Server as well. It's an 18+ Server, and seeing as this is an 18+ Roleplay there should be no problems with writers wanting to join. However, that being said. People lie. If you want to join the discord PM me here, or DM me on Discord (again, user Syn.Co.E#3751 — Don't click the hyperlink it goes nowhere) verifying your age. I will take a screenshot for my own personal records of your statement so that I cannot be held accountable and possibly receive action from moderators in case any kinders or teens sneak their way in. Additionally, if it is discovered you are below the United States Age of Consent (18), You will be banned from the discord server, and removed from the roleplay. "But the age of consent in Australia is 16!" That's nice, and I don't care. I'm in the U.S, and therefore will abide by those standards. I may come off as a hard ass on this, but I tire of people arguing with me.