[@ArenaSnow] Actually, to go one step further just the internet itself can teach you some fairly nasty or ineffective communication habits. Because some people (who am I kidding saying at least half probably wouldn't be that big of stretch.) don't have communication outside the internet, so they don't know how to respond to others correctly. Whether being overly cautious and shy (maybe introverted) online because they expect to be bullied or mistreated like in real life for not being as proactive as society tells them to be. Hence why despite being interested in those hypothetical 1x1's, they still aren't actively seeking that interest out. Or on the opposite end, they act completely irrational online because they don't have any healthy relationships outside. Becoming the trolls and jerk asses online because they've either gotten used to people communicating in such a matter in real life. Because I know people use the argument it's easier to be an asshole online because you don't see the person face to face, you may never meet them outside. So who cares how you come off to that person? But I'd argue it's equally as easy to be kind on the internet. So those who can't even manage that, probably aren't normal/healthy individuals. Because sociability is much easier here than offline. So as long as you're actually extroverted, which to be fair most assholes on the internet aren't. There wouldn't be any problems. But that tends to be why the internet is filled people that don't properly communicate. Also doesn't help the shy type of introvert to see such toxicity online, because that only justifies their anti-social actions. So I'd argue my advice is actually more necessary than I may have made it seem. Because actively encouraging people to talk to you online, simply adding. "Please PM me, if you're interested." instead of merely hoping or assuming they'll know it from the start. Shows that you're less likely to bite that person's head off for merely speaking to them. And because people are so used to "Oh, just be a complete dick online, you won't ever suffer consequences of that." Those shy individuals online could use all the encouragement they can get, that talking to strangers won't lead to immediate regretful consequences. [quote=@HaleyTheRandom] Humans. Rant over :) [/quote] I guess this is kind of same thing, but shorter. :I