[quote=@Demon Shinobi] Alright, I'm just about done here. I think. Shouldn't be any problems. Thought about giving her a magic, but didn't. Also should note, her Sacred Gear would even work on Devils or Fallen Angel if they weren't seen as her enemy by her. [hider=Cynthia Orleans][center][h3][color=00aeef]“In the name of God we must be willing to stand up to evil and injustice so that we can bring about a better tomorrow.”[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XWzSNv8.jpg[/img] [hider=You want more?][b]Swimsuit[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Zl7GYby.jpg[/img] [b]Typical Battle Attire[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/guYAUm1.jpg[/img] [b]Cloak of Vindication[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Xa4x00A.jpg[/img][/hider] Standing at about 5’9 inches tall Cynthia has never been the tallest person in the room, but always far from being the shortest. She is built strong and keeps fit, always ready for battle.[/center] [color=00aeef]Name:[/color] Cynthia Orleans [color=00aeef]Age:[/color] 19 [color=00aeef]Former Race:[/color] N/A [color=00aeef]Race:[/color] Human [color=00aeef]Card:[/color] N/A [color=00aeef]Notable Skill's:[/color] [indent][list][*][b]Weapons Mastery[/b] – Having trained for years under the watch of the church, as well as her parents, testing her skills against devils and fallen angels alike, Cynthia has become extremely proficient in a number of weapons. However, she has only master fighting with two types. Swords and spears, as are her weapons of choice. [*][b]Hand-to-Hand Combat[/b] – Though not her preferred form of combat, Cynthia is high adept in close quarters combat without the use of her sword or spear. This can sometimes come as a surprise to her opponents as they do not expect her to be able to fare so well if they manage to render her weaponry useless. [*][b]Knitting and Sewing[/b] – Similar though not quite the same, the repetitive and seemingly simple task helps Cynthia ease her mind. She picked it up while watching her grandmother and learned from her not long before she passed. [*][b]Acting and Vocal Control[/b] – Cynthia is a skilled actress and is very good at controlling her voice. She sings, does impressions, can throw her voice (so to speak), play off emotions she isn’t feeling, etc. This is probably due to her want as a child to be a voice actress/seiyuu in anime. She was always too shy to do anything of the sort though. Also, when she began training and learning the teachings of God she found a new love, leaving these skills to play as a hobby.[/list][/indent] [color=00aeef]Holy Sacraments:[/color] [indent][list][*][url=http://highschooldxd.wikia.com/wiki/Ascalon]Ascalon[/url] – Gifted to Cynthia by the church was the holy sword Ascalon. It is known as the dragon slayer sword used by St. George to slay a dragon. While it holds all the power of any other holy sword it is also highly effective against dragons or other beings of the same brood. It can also attack from a distance with the sword by releasing its holy aura. [*][b]Joyeuse Blank[/b] – A legendary sword wielded by Charlemagne. It was said to change colors at least 30 times in a single day. The original was split into two; [i]Blank[/i] and [i]Rainbow[/i]. [i]Blank[/i] works as any other Holy Sword would with the added advantage of seeming to be able to cut through thing so long as the target be deemed the enemy in the heart of the wielder. Before each strike with [i]Rainbow[/i] the wielder must call out a color. The sword will be able to cut through anything of that color for a total of 60 seconds. Colors may be repeated but such a thing would be tiresome and dangerous in a drawn out battle. Additionally, [i]Blank[/i] remains a single solitary color while [i]Rainbow[/i] changes color with each passing moment.[/list][/indent] [color=00aeef]Equipment:[/color] She generally has a small purse with her, holding basic things one would expect; identification, cash, cards, her cell phone, etc. Other than that, her clothes and not much else really. [color=00aeef]Sacred Gear: [/color] [indent][list][*][b]Illuminate Eternal[/b] – A flag pole with a spear head at its tip and a small spear like blade at the bottom end with a flag wrapped tightly around it. This particular sacred gear may only be held in the bloodline of Jeanne D’Arc. The spear itself increases the speed and agility of its wielder; however, the true power lies in the flag itself. The flag gives a slight boost in defense against physical attacks whether it be wrapped up tight or spread out. Once unfurled, however, the flags true ability can be revealed. The wielder must recite a prayer or incantation which will activate the special properties’ of the flag. All those within a set radius of 5 meters whom she may consider her allies at a given time will be rejuvenated and will be given a power up for a total of 30 minutes. This does not, however, disregard damage taken; it also does not make those affected invulnerable. All previous damage taken will return to the affected person or people in addition to any future damage he/she or they may take after using the skill at the end of 30 minutes all at once. Thus, this skill is very dangerous. It is also possible for an enemy to continue to harm the person or people under the effect of the flag and possible incapacitate them before the thirty minutes are up. The ability can also be stacked numerous times, even on the user herself. However, the user must recite the incantation or prayer again to do so. Additionally, doing so runs the risk of increasing the damage those affected will receive in the end of the thirty minutes. It is also important to note that using the skill multiple times does not reset the timer. It will only serve to add to the effected power and keep them battle ready until the thirty minutes from the first use have passed. [*][b]Cloak of Vindication[/b] – This Sacred Gears as a second armor for the wearing or anyone they so choose to allow into its safe embrace. It holds tremendous defense capabilities against both physical and magical attacks. It is even said to be nearly indestructible, though like any sacred gear there is a limit to its strength. Should it be met with a force greater than the capabilities held in it and its master, the cloak may “break” or dematerialize until it can repair itself with the magic of its user. Thus, it seems to have a mind of its own, moving as needed to protect the wearer or anybody she gives permission to wield it.[/list][/indent] [color=00aeef]Magic:[/color] Cynthia has no magic to speak of apart from her Sacred Gear and her Holy Sacraments. [color=00aeef]Personality:[/color] Though strong willed Cynthia is kind hearted and valiant all the same. She believes there is good in everyone and everything as has been taught to her in the name of her lord. All the same as a warrior she is cautious all the same. Looking for the best in others indiscriminately is all well and good, but it is no excuse to live or die a fool. She is not naïve. She can be somewhat emotional and even stubborn where her beliefs are involved as she believes God wished for all to be loved and allowed to love equally, but there is a limit to such idealist thoughts. She generally knows where to draw the line and can usually tell when the time for sentiment has passed and the time for action has come. She may, however, sometimes jump the gun and rush into battle, cutting first and asking later if she feels like she or her faith has been attacked or offended. She can be a bit contradictory like that. But then again, as contradictory as she can be, so can the church. [color=00aeef]History:[/color] Cynthia is a direct descendant of the Maiden of Orleans, Jeanne D’Arc, although how she does not know. This was told to her by her parents, grandparents and the leaders of the church in which she resided. Her family had been with them for as long as she could remember. And for the beginning of her life the teachings of God were instilled in her. It was by the word of her mother and father that she learned to try and love and understand all things without prejudice or discrimination. And yet it was the leaders of the church, minds stuck in the past who tried to add in the exceptions and rules, though many of them never stuck. When she was 6 she began training with other children of her age. Her mother and father helped teach and develop her into the strong warrior she is today. However, she moved to Japan when she was 12. The leaders of the church in which she resided did not see eye to eye with her parents or how they chose to teach and raise her. So they transferred to one in Japan, whose leadership more closely resembled their own ideologies. When she turned 16 she moved to her own flat, under the condition that she call and visit her parents at least twice a week. This allowed her to avoid distractions, such as other members or children of the cloth and gave her a bit more freedom to pray and live as she saw fit. She continued her duties for the church, rather for the God she held so much faith in, and has truly begun to grow into her own. For the most part. She still doesn’t know what to do with herself as far as her normal life is concerned. She is taking a year off from school to decide if she even wishes to attend university after graduating High School. [color=00aeef]Other:[/color] (Anything I might have missed)[/hider] [/quote] Pretty sure you can post your char in the char tab now demon