[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xjGbRyd.jpg[/img][/center][center][h1][color=f6989d] Alexis [/color][/h1][/center] Alexis had shrieked in surprised laughter when he picked her up and began spinning around the barn. Her heart raced and when he placed her gently down into the hay she felt totally happy, for the first time in months. He joined her in the hay and something in the pit of her stomach lit up like a fire. Attraction. This realization made Alexis blush. She could feel the electricity between them and she turned and looked at him to see if it was noticeable to him too. Laughing at his remark,[color=f6989d]"Maggie said that the Grimms can see the creatures real selves under their masks. Is that true?" [/color]She said raising up on one elbow and blushing as she looked at him smiling. He looked and sounded happy for the first time since they had met and she was going to speak to him while he was. She had missed having someone to talk to. She and Maggie had been close and Elinora would goof off with them but after Maggie's death Elinora shut down around Alexis. There was no one to talk to or share anything with except Marcus and he was not accustomed to sharing with his children. He was a good father but he wasn't her confidant. [@December]