Annabella stood at the back of the crew where she normally was. She still wasn't used to being a part of the crew despite being with them for several months now. She had spent to long in solitude as a mercenary. She listened intently to the speech and cracked a smile when they began cheering. She knew what today was better than any of the crew, having been raised by a Marine. She heard plenty of stories of the fall of the pirate king and how it only encouraged more people to become pirates. She was hesitant to leave the ship even though the town was so big, there was still a slim possibility of her running into her adoptive father. This was something she wanted to avoid at all costs. Her attention was drawn to the drunk who seemed to appear out of the ship itself. He disturbed her, and she had yet to go to him for anything medical, intending to keep it that way. She didn't trust him. She knew enough to patch herself up most of the time and she hoped she never got injured or sick enough to require his drunken assistance. As the crew began to do there own think she stood looking over the railing at the port. She scanned it carefully, it looked like the higher up marines had yet to make port here, which meant as of now she was free to wonder without running into old faces. She assumed they would arrive later tonight. After a quick last scan she walked toward the captain. "[color=a36209]"With all due respect I don't believe docking the ship here is the best course of action, this place will be crawling with marines by nightfall. And this ship is a little bit on the obvious side."[/color] Her voice was as plain and emotionless as usual but her eyes betrayed her nervousness, shifting from the port to the captain and back.