The whole Bloodline annihilation has caused a massive upset in the political structure among the Bloodlines. A key player has now been eradicated, this means all Bloodlines are now at high alert and the single witness is at the center of it all. This makes the possession of Anya a dangerous gamble. The Pallidinos will not directly announce they are harboring Anya as that would put them under fire from the other Bloodlines. The fact which A.M.R.O received was that Anya ended up seeking shelter at some Pallidino church. The objective now is to locate Anya and have her escorted back for questioning. A.M.R.O wants to know who the perpetrator is and the Bloodlines want to know that even more. The very idea that someone is out there targeting Bloodline is creating paranoia among the Bloodlines and the possibility that another Bloodline is behind it, that is high as well. As such a form of a rapid response team was set up and discreetly sent to retrieve Anya from the Pallidinos. Now the teams can split up to carry out their research however they see fit. Samad and Cade can approach churches, or you can approach other contacts. The Ante Mortem will be going to meet some of the head Pallidino members. However from all sources we will learn that Anya suddenly left the church she was seeking safe harbor and now is MIA.