The buggers were fast, Kara had to give them that. Throwing a punch into the sternum of one seemed to have three more near her by the time she was finished and Kara had considered herself decently fast when it came to fighting. The yellow sun of Earth certainly helped in that department and while she was still technically getting used to her powers, it was usually holding back that was the problem, not dishing it out. Kara had argued with Kal-El in the beginning, [i]"I don't get it, if you just let me let loose I could do everything you tell me to do!"[/i] But the ability to complete the task wasn't the challenge, she had swiftly learned, it was the ability to complete the challenge without killing anyone. No matter how much the other guy wanted you dead, no matter how easy it would be to punch a hole through a rib cage or glance in a man's direction to cut him down with laser vision... that wasn't the goal. That goal was to protect. And to blindly act just as your enemies did, that made you no better in the end of things. The last soldier was incapacitated by a quick exhale of icy breath and where his knees locked in place, he tripped. Kara swept herself over to him, plucked him from the unforgiving concrete floor and tossed him in a large garbage bin where he was motionless from there on. Whether unconscious or just knowing when to finish a fight, Kara didn't pause to determine which. Kara approached the large containment unit and her brow knit together slowly. Head canting to the side as she too attempted to peer through the lined container, she shrugged,[color=f6989d] "I could blame you for being overprotective,"[/color] she assured him with a small nod, [color=f6989d]"maybe," [/color]she offered with slow consideration, [color=f6989d]"it was just a diversion for something else?"[/color] Glancing up to her cousin, Kara's lips cocked into a light grin and she blinked, [color=f6989d]"the [i]bat[/i]cave?"[/color] Her baby blue eyes lit with excitement and she couldn't help but produce a wider grin. [color=f6989d]"I won't touch anything!"[/color] She promised, pulling her hands up and shaking them as though to assure Clark she could be trusted. The flight had been short. Gotham seemed so very far away when a highway was involved, but when wearing the red and blue; when the openness of the skies were available to them, nothing took much time. Kara slowed to careful consideration as she kept behind her cousin on their way into the cave. She took quiet note of how they got there and while she was very sure Batman would have appreciated that she forget altogether, she committed the entryway to memory in case she ever needed it again. Kara was too busy looking around at the vastness of the cave. Somehow, she had expected it to be much, much smaller. And less packed with souvenirs. Pads for various vehicles, both capable of flight and grounded, a water way beneath the already subterranean set up, and memorabilia like a giant lincoln penny, large playing card, various preserved costumes of both Batman himself and the multitude of Robins who had been around, an animatronic tyrannosaurus. A freaking dinosaur! It was only then that she realized Nightwing had addressed her. She knew him, of course, and heaved a self-conscious chuckle when she noticed herself gawking at everything. [color=f6989d]"Sorry,"[/color] she breathed, [color=f6989d]"uh, Kara!"[/color] She introduced, fairly oblivious to the attempt at flirtatious introductions. [color=f6989d]"This is so cool,"[/color] she added, shaking her head and grinning like an idiot. The gentle hum of an engine came to a pause and the hiss of the Batmobile's canopy opened. The caped crusader bounded from the seat and made his way up the aisle to the gathering of others. [color=8882be]"League assassins,"[/color] he answered for either of them, [color=8882be]"in Metropolis." [/color] Pausing to stand next to Clark Bruce's brow arched beneath the dark cowl and he stared a moment. [color=8882be]"Nice to know you're comfortable bringing your family here," [/color] [color=f6989d]"Oh,"[/color] Kara shook her head, [color=f6989d]"I won't say anything to anyone. About anything,"[/color] Kara promised, making a motion of a zipper across her lips. [color=8882be]"How many did you take out?" [/color]Batman asked as he slipped by the Kryptonians and Nightwing. Stopping at the gargantuan screen he tapped a few buttons, sifting through the footage he had sent back. [color=f6989d]"Mmh,"[/color] Kara glaned at Clark, [color=f6989d]"ten? About ten..." [/color] [color=8882be]"[i]About[/i]?"[/color] Kara felt a prickle of self-consciousness when the demand for clarification was barked. She felt like she was back in class. [color=f6989d]"Definitely ten."[/color] She said with more confidence as well as a nod.