Chromite carefully pried herself down from the ceiling and gave a nod of approval to the two who had helped her. [color=darkgray] Pyrite, Moonstone. Thank you, that situation was less than becoming. Now, let's see what we can do.[/color] Chromite first approached Howlite. [color=darkgray] I appreciate you getting us here safely, Howlite. Try not to feel too bad about the ship. The maintenance Peridots should have known to double-check for something as important as an antigravity system that needed replacing, and would it have [i]killed[/i] Sagenite to simply outfit us with a newer ship?[/color] Chromite reassured. [color=darkgray]The ship likely sent out an automated distress signal during our descent, and as of now that's probably our best chance of leaving this planet, as any gem technology left here probably isn't compatible with current technology, as old as this ship is. I have no idea when the signal will reach Homeworld however. For the time being, we should probably focus on the mission at hand."[/color] Chromite said in response to Marry's suggestion. Chromite climbed out of the ship and surveyed the area around it. Muck was seeping into the hole, and was beginning to bury the ship. [color=darkgray] Which at this point appears to be salvaging everything we can from the ship before it sinks! Everyone, please help me if you can. There may still be some equipment we can use inside, but most importantly we need to save the drill, we won't be able to complete our mission without it. Chrysoprase, you're the strongest, please stand at the top of this crater and wait for the rest of us to hoist it up."[/color]