[quote=A valid question] Do we have to join the discord? I'm just curious. I dont even know what that is, but I wanna play this so I thought I would ask. [/quote] You do not, we do have an OOC and I expect everyone to pay attention to it, even if we don't post there frequently. However, I am typically on discord every day, usually hanging out in the voice channels, and it's the fastest way to reach me and discuss things. Additionally, you can simply hang out and chat with the other users (A majority of us play League of Legends, among other games). I have like 50+ members and not all of them are roleplayers, it's just simply where I collect people. Discord is basically any chat program ever (eg; yahoo im, aim, etc.) + skype - video (Discord only supports voice for the moment.) It's new, it's hip, and it's trendy and completely, utterly, free. Also, the Guild has an official discord as well if you want to hangout with other roleplayers. At this very moment there are 91+ Roleplayers online in the Official Guild Discord.