[center][b]Pelennor Fields[/b][/center] Oh, how exciting! In her (somewhat) short life Cassinia Fairnbarn had only ventured out with the borders of the Shire a few times. Each time had been in a group of scouts, and they had barely gone past the border. Going to Minas Tirith? That was quite the event. The city was beautiful, more so than the pictures in books she’d read as a child had made it out to be. It seemed that the emissary, Adelard Took, also seemed to be excited going by what he was saying. To say that Cassi had been delighted when chosen as a guard for this journey was something of an understatement. All her life she’d been brought up on the stories of the great adventure four hobbits had gone on to save the world – one being her great grandfather, Samwise Gamgee. She’d lapped up these stories and wished to have an exciting life, and practically demanded she be taught how to fight. After all she was the fourth child of the Warden of Westmarch and unlikely to have to take a role like that. The bow had been her first choice, and here she was one of the most accurate among the hobbits scouts and rangers. She’d always wanted to go on something like this, though; something more than just scouting the borders of her home. Her father’s status as Warden along with her skill and renown among the scouts, even at such a young age, was why she had been recommended and chosen. It probably helped that her family was close to Adelard’s. “Oh look, there’s people over there,” Cassi whispered fervently to the guard next to her, pointing from where they were just a bit behind the emissary and Bracegirdle guard. “I wonder if they’re here for the meeting too! What do you think, Robin? Ooo, this is so exciting.” The older hobbit gave her a weary look. Robin Noakes was a more experienced member of the hobbit Rangers, at least twenty years Cassi’s senior, and had been done with her constant talking since she had joined the Scouts and they’d had contact through that. Still, she didn’t let the looks he shot her way stop her. After all it was nice to have someone she knew there, especially since he was far more experienced than she was! She was always learning from Robin. “I wonder if there are Elves… I’ve never met one before, imagine how wonderful that would be? Though it will only make me feel younger! Do you think there will be any?” “There will be people of all kinds attending the meeting, Cas,” Robin sighed, looking down across the fields with a frown. It seemed they would be meeting with any others earlier than expected. “I’m sure there will be.” “I can’t wait! I wonder if they’re nice. Will the other guards look down on us because we’re short? Cause I bet I can outshoot all of them! Well, maybe not any Elves, but everyone else. We’ll show them not to underestimate a hobbit!” She kept up the chatter even as they continued to approach the already congregated groups on the fields, getting only nods and grunts from the older ranger. As they continued to their destination her bright green eyes widened at something of a spectacular sight, mouth wide open and rendering her speechless. Even through his own shock Robin had time to chuckle at the sight of her face. Cassi had never seen anything like it and had only heard of Oliphaunts in stories. She’d honestly thought they were a myth. Seems she was wrong there. “Oh wow! I’ve never seen anything like that… Hey, why couldn’t we arrive on something so big and dramatic?” A glare from Robin was all she got in response from him.