[b]Name:[/b] Arthur Willet [b]Age:[/b] 6 years and 8 months [b]Hometown:[/b] Amherst, NH, USA [b]Description:[/b] Arthur looks like he has been recently zapped by a loose wire all the time. He has poofy and wild blonde hair. A constantly nervous expression. He still has baby blue eyes, something his mother dotes over. He's small for his age at 36 inches. His skin is very pale from almost never going outside. [b]Personality:[/b] Arthur is a shy child and very much is a "Momma's Boy". Due to the smothering of his mother he has grown to be afraid of doing anything without her. The only time he can be without her is inside of his room where his stuffed triceratops [url=http://i.ebayimg.com/images/a/(KGrHqZHJDgE7y-5wcdKBPBjRFgNh!~~/s-l1600.jpg]Tyrone[/url] keeps him company. He doesn't like being outside because it's so big. Crowds of people are scary. In fact... everything is scary, except Mommy! [b]History:[/b] Arthur was born on an average New Hampshire day in the summer. He grew up in the town of Amherst under the care of a loving mother and a caring father. Mother quit her job to spend all of her time with Arthur. She loved taking care of him and raised him well until Father died when he was four. His life insurance plan and life savings made it so they could live comfortably, but something in Mother snapped and her parenting behavior grew to excessive levels. He did not mind, but he could sense the hostility from other parents and children whenever they were in public and Mother was overparenting. He had absolutely no clue that he would be whisked away and tossed down the rabbit hole.