[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/00G50rA.png[/img][h3][color=dodgerblue]Eve[/color][/h3][@Flamelord][/center] Eve let go of her lance as the cloud reformed to match her body size. T'was a tricky little fuck, wasn't it? The harpy had only a second to decide whether she wanted to try and free her lance, which would risk her safety and livability, or if she just wanted to dodge around and retrieve it later, which would risk her lance. She let her wings do the deciding as she shot out into the skies, flying directly towards the hurricane that was present on the battlefield. The sky was her element, and the Cloud would learn that soon enough. Eve's body began to pick up incredible speed as it circled through the air, even to the point where her wings began to smoke from sheer friction. She was used to flying at these speeds, though, and the adrenaline she felt from the wind against her face was legendary. It would give anyone a true sense of strength, or at the very least it would give them a feeling of confidence. [hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KE8XEEd.png[/img][color=f26522][h3]Lillian[/h3][/color][@KoL][@Mega Birb][/center] The morale boost, given to Lillian by the High Queen, didn't really do much other than give Lillian a slight sense of fear. Why was she giving off this magic when nobody had even broke into the factory just yet? Something felt awry, and Lillian wanted to figure out what was going on. The medic ran through the halls of the factory, toting her weapon behind her as she ran. She didn't really care for fighting, but if she was to simply let the High Queen die, she'd be put at the stake. On the other hand, if she tried to heal her and provide her support, then she may just be rewarded with some otherworldly amount of praise or loot. Hopefully both. As Lillian made it close to the room where Eos was, she slowed down and moved lightly in order to keep her movements quiet. If she could get the drop on whoever else was in the room, she'd love to take that opportunity. She did, however, peer into the room with her Notebook in hand, and the notebook quickly began to chronicle the anatomy of Gregorovic as Lillian watched the scene. If she was caught, who knows? Maybe Greg would be fooled into thinking she's allied with Hell due to the mask she wore. It was a stretch, but it may work.