H-h-h-hi. I'm Andreyich the guy who annoys people by being edgy on the status board and does all sorts of other shit. I'm a young lad in my 20s but I really don't like 18+ smutty stuff and will generally fade to black, though I am kind of a fan of a bit of romance/chick flickiness. I'm typically RPing at low advanced though I can go from mid-casual (2 paras per non-DM post) to mid-advanced (3-5 paras per non-DM post). Well that's about enough, to the actual meaty stuff, sorry for boring formatting ;_; Enjoy and PM if interested. Oh and one last thing, I typically play males as main characters though I am willing to try to play a girl, and I can readily GM them. Interests in setting: Warhammer 40K and Fantasy Battles WW1, WW2 Crusades 19th century/Victorian period age of exploration/colonization Nearly anything else historical, though with preference for Europe and pre-European North America (Aztecs, Iroquois and Algonquins, shit from Canada to the US) Starcraft Metro Fallout (more shall be added) Interests in theme: Romance Intrigue Bonding in brotherhood - some sort of great journey between two people who go through struggles and develop a sort of loyalty to each other greater than love Clash of culture (two people of different backgrounds meet and have a cultural exchange) Mentorship Specific ideas thingies [hider=Third Rome Rising] This RP would take place in the year 1877 when forces of the Eastern Coalition march south and to Constantinople, though enemies are ahead. Any themes work, and more could be discussed. [/hider] [hider=Our Last Days] This would be in Constantinople, maybe months before it's fall. We would be various people within the city, waiting for it's fall and perhaps we could also continue on as refugees to Russia, Serbia, Western Europe or something if we are both still up for it. Once again, any and all themes are alright here except perhaps intrigue since it would be one sided for this RP. This could go on to a whole Odyssey to find a home. [/hider] [hider=Pa Wikingtog] After a Viking raid, a lone warrior is left behind by his brothers in arms and now he must decide what to do, especially with a angry populace around him; setting would be British Isles, French Coast or North-Eastern Europe. It could be a hunt, or the Viking converting after being convinced by a monk of some sort, or perhaps he could get very "friendly" with a local girl who gets sympathies with him, I dunno. [/hider] Adding more