[@Hidden Lilly][@CajunRobinHood] Jin did what she was asked, and started to shield the electricity girl from danger. Sheer power flowed out of her, and her dark eyes lit up bright silver behind her goggles. The shield itself was invisible, but the amount of dust in the air left a bubble-shaped void where Jin lay it over them. Shields were the one thing Jin felt like she could do without messing it up. You couldn't overpower a shield - it just made it stronger. True, she was going to have a massive headache after this, but as long as her teammate stayed safe, it would be fine. She really didn't think this plan was going to work though. This guy may be smart, but would he know the right lingo in order to make the troops retreat? Wouldn't an army trained to fight metahumans, mutants and everyone else be prepared for brainwashing, hypnosis, doppelgangers and all sorts of trickery? She shot a nervous glance back to Magnus, but his face betrayed nothing.