"The Regalia are themselves protected," Emmerich explained. "It would be difficult for anyone to reach them without the consent of the sages." He then closed his eyes. "As for the help... I wish I could afford a contingent, however, the one Captain I can loan is only until you reach the Lord's manor. I will need them back once you've reached that point, due to the increased risk of attack on the town." He sighed, clearly not any happier about what he was saying than Katherine would be. "So you'll be having her travel with a complete stranger?" Felix asked. Everything since they'd gotten there was getting on his nerves. "The Lord's guard is very capable. Any one of them will be more than enough to act as a bodyguard." Emmerich said. Felix frowned as he resisted the urge to storm off again. He was entirely too tired for all this. ~~~The Night Before~~~ The castle was eerily quiet that night. The king had sent the majority of staff away to celebrate the meteor shower. Least that was the pretense he'd given. The truth was, it was all in preparation. He knew that this night may be his last, ever since his fateful encounter six months before. He had to be ready, though. He'd vacated the castle to minimize the loss of life, and only a scant few attendants remained. That said, he needed to speak to those who did. As such, he called forth two of the Royal Wyvern Riders to his chamber. "Ah, I'm glad to see you both," the king spoke once the two arrived on his balcony with their wyverns. "Your Majesty," a female knight spoke. "Why have you called us here today?" She asked. "You're Morrigan, yes?" The King asked. "And the young knight with you is Albert?" He continued.